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Everything posted by Mendoza

  1. this is by far a strange thought i myself have had and i know it seems weird but take the sims games for instance and hour of them is a minute for us,maybe a year for us is a minute to them and the person just hasn't stopped it yet or something really its a weird concept to even think about which is why i try not to focus on such things since i throw myself into a loop of ideas
  2. SA-3 hours LCS-1 hour VCS-don't own 3-don't own VC-4 hours
  3. maybe niko comes into a room and sees his cousin informing on him so he says "Good lord what are you doing!"and shoots him
  4. i think it will be all dramatic and stuff and it will show like niko will do something shocking lol
  5. smgs in a backpack a rifle/rpg on the back and pistols on your ankle straps and such
  6. lol oh yes the Lance Vance Dance thats how he payed to stayed out of the house by making money as a stipper lol
  7. Rockstar should just buy the stock and take over Take-2 to end this problem with EA
  8. i really think it could happen with todays world
  9. well refer to the poll above to see the majority but any of them could be if they got into his business
  10. Claude=retired to Vice city or set up his own crime family in or near Liberty city Tommy=probably still lives in his mansion with a son,his wise mercedes and bodyguards watching them from the Forellie brotherhood Carl=still gang banging but also in chillin with Madd Dogg and probably went to jail for something not to bad Toni Cirpiani=angered by the Don's death probably tried to get revenge on Claude but failed on many occasions and is trying to lead the Leones (seeing as though mafia families never change their name as seen when John Gotti took the Gambino family)
  11. suicide missions,driving a car strapped with explosives into the highway and after a huge pile up blowing it up!
  12. feel free to help if you want.... Claude:Ah yes the quiet one but do you know why he is so quiet?When he was a kid he saw his mom and dad having "hot coffee"when he was a kid and he never got over it,thats why he hasn't talked because when he tries the only thing he can say is what he heard his mom say which was"Oh yes don't stop harder"and so on which is also why he kills people Lance:the psychotic crack baby,well for those of you who played or heard about bully i am sure you know gary,well before gary was born he needed a dad and his dad was Mario the gangster who worked for tommy,and as such where do you think tommy learned his stuff from?Well Mario was telling lance that tommy told him lance's mom slept with barn animals for money (which may be true)which is why he was acting crazy and took up drugs (i know they both suck but you can come up with something if you want)
  13. not gonna read all of this but it is a fairly fun game series i will probably buy on sale for my 360 if its good ratings on it but until then not to hyped
  14. Mendoza


    they said it was "as fun as being on a real deserted island
  15. Name anyone one and i can make a joke about them!
  16. all i know is that Packie is the SHIT (after Niko)
  17. When doing the mission "Night of the livid dreads"What is your main goal????
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