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Everything posted by lewissmiffy

  1. wats ur bets feature in tehr eand post a pic of it
  2. The free roam 1 i forgot the hole name lol but its a clan server
  3. No need i got it working close thread please
  4. http://www.gtainside.com/en/download.php?d...ad&id=14110 nicko for vice city have fun
  5. Its a good idea u never no but most likly they will make a san andreas stories lol
  6. Its the easyest thing to install ever and u dont no how to do it ooooooooooooooooo wait have u downgraded ?
  7. BUMPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. When u run ur game turn off msn and programes that dont need to be running all u need to be running is ur anti virus
  9. Lol ur talking !h!t ive done loads cuz i was gonna see if i could make a big bomb wid em and mine didnt crash and when i reloaded it still worked
  10. Off topic: if u want to go to ghost town take away the invisble wall via moo maper or just make a bridge Ontopic: I couldnt fly a plane either untill i seen this thread go this thread
  11. Nice list mate here have a cookie -gives a cookie and milk- XD
  12. Download a 100% 1 so u can av all of em and then if u want u can keep ur old savegame for doing missions
  13. Most cheats dont go off when u save the game when ur on a site lookin at em make sure u look incase tehre is writing saying cannot turn off
  14. The thing is the mod installer didnt work for me its messed up
  15. Jake will u help me plz cuz its reli anoying me and i dont feel like losing all ma mods again
  16. Its a good game i like everythink but the graphics they could of made them better then released it on pc so u can mod it and have a real multiplayer not like the 1 on the psp
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