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Everything posted by Chrisman

  1. Damn, why is everyone getting lower disorder ratings than me? *cougheveryoneansweredsotheywouldn'tgethighpersonalitydisorders*
  2. Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Very High Schizoid: High Schizotypal: Very High Antisocial: High Borderline: Moderate Histrionic: Very High Narcissistic: Very High Avoidant: Moderate Dependent: High Obsessive-Compulsive: High URL of the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mv Wow. I seriously suck. I do agree with myself being Very Highly Paranoid Highly Schizoid(lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, and emotional coldness) Very Highly Schizotypal(social isolation, odd behaviour and thinking, and often unconventional beliefs such as being convinced of having extra sensory abilities) Highly Antisocial Moderate Borderline Very Highly Narcissistic
  3. Before taking this test I was sure I'd score high. One question I checked, which really worries me every day, was You worry that other people can read your mind. Can't think stuff, I wouldn't say in public. Sometimes I even threaten the people reading my mind, by thinking the threats. Now for the test: You Are 64% Paranoid Schizophrenic You definitely have a chance of being a paranoid schizophrenic. Crazy or not, you certainly don't have a good grip on reality! Are You A Paranoid Schizophrenic? http://www.blogthings.com/areyouaparanoidschizophrenicquiz/
  4. Sent you the weapons. Can a mod close or delete this topic?
  5. You hate the police because they didn't handcuff the guy? Why handcuff him, unless he's trying to get away or is trying to fight the police?
  6. Last chance to buy anything! I'm closing soon.
  7. I have a similar problem: I can't collect my interest!
  8. Go into Entertainemnt forum and look for a thread named "Movie Thread". There you can post all your movies, instead of spamming this forum with your movies.
  9. I use the Firefox server. I can't believe you can fit so many webpages into one server, and even have live forums, without filling more than 500mb
  10. I only see test person reactions. No other proof. They only tell us: "The test persons showed a loss of concentration" . Bullshit.
  11. You Are 23 Years Old 10 years older than my real age.
  12. Back when I was 7 or 8, I had this game called "Alone in the dark: Jack is Back" for PS1. My dad always played it, in my room, just to make me scared. I was hiding my head under my pillow and tried to block my ears from the scary sounds.
  13. Chrisman

    Scariest Game?

    Which game do you think is the scariest? I haven't played many horror games, because I'm a total pussy, so I'll say Exmortis(http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/189227). It scared the shit out of me.
  14. The mod or admin choose a topic to discuss and people split up in 2 groups. The password forums are optional.
  15. My idea is to have a forum for organized debate, with two sub-forums for each group, for and against, with passwords. Each group chooses their "Leader" whom will also be the one to discuss. The other members, together with the "Leader", will have to find arguments that the "Leader" can use. The others can also PM the "Leader" when the debate is going on, to tell him what he/she could do/say. The "Leader" will be given the password and then he will PM it to everyone else. The topic will be chosen by either the forum mod or an admin.
  16. chrisman Means: Chrisman
  17. Fireworks is legal at this time of the year, right?
  18. GTA Awards Most Knowledgeable: ?? Most Helpful Member: ?? Best Stunter: ?? General Awards: Most Respected Member: Spaz The Great Most Improved Member: ?? Best New Member: Engel Funniest Member: ?? Most Intelligent Member: ?? Best Signature: Skyline Weirdest Looks: Spaz The Great Most Annoying Member: tvg Best Graphics: MVI Best Writing: Spaz The Great Most Original Username: ?? Most Active Member: TM(Tommy Montana) Biggest Userbar Whore: ?? Most Likely To Be Lying About Their Age: tvg
  19. This thread is for posting links to movies, like bike tricks or people breaking their necks. This'll probably keep the "OMG LOOK AT THIS MOVIE" posts in one topic, too. I'll start: I'll probably make a favorites list too, sometime.
  20. The longest recorded tapeworm found in the human body was 33 meters in length.
  21. Aww missed my 666th post . But I'll just delete a few posts of mine and it will be all fine
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