i have only met two people named Russell. some dude a long time ago and my grandfather is named russell. havent you ever heard of Russell Simmons or Russell Crowe?
im not sure which system i want either. i used to have a ps2 and a xbox. my xbox lasted longer then my ps2, but i had one of them small ass ps2. but what requirements do you have to have on your tv to play either the xbox 360 or ps3?
wow i cant wait until that game comes out. just to drive the new challenger and the camaro. but i think thats funny how they put grove st. in there. i wonder if some of the other parts in the game will be like GTASA.
I think the news said that his parents made him say those things while they recorded him. Well if George Bush dyes then we will know that the little kid wasn't lying.
it is 921 pm here is the US. but them emma watson pics are fake. unless you can send me the link and it shows me real pics, because the pics i found it looked like someone put her head on a naked body.