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Everything posted by Jay_Jay

  1. wow them people are crazy. but hey atleast they all survived.
  2. lol i like shrimp and fish. but not any other kind of seafood.
  3. didnt she have a naked pic out on the internet?
  4. i would like to try frog legs. has anybody ever ate raw squid (like sushi)?
  5. all the mario games for 64 was the shit. and also rush hour and 007 games and tony hawk games for 64. i loved all of them.
  6. in the song low. flo rida is talking about a experience he had in a club. and the song was made for the movie step up 2 not for the rappers cd. and the song pop bottles is about winning a championship game and they enjoy champaigne and girls to celebrate their victory.
  7. how do you die of old age? old people die from diseases. let me change what i said. people wouldnt die from illness or diseases. i bet of you asked a coroner if people can die from old age then they would probably laugh. people die from illness and accidents and murder. there is always a reason for somebody dieing.
  8. the jetpack in gtasa was cool as hell. it was the easiest way of getting around.
  9. true. everything in the news is fake. they alter things to make it seem more better. but when your a kid everyone tells you that santa claus is real but then you find out it isnt real. same with alot of other things.
  10. i think there is cures for everything. but the government doesnt let people have them because they are making too much money off of drugs to make people think it is working. and if there was a cure for everything then nobody would die.
  11. caffiene cigarettes beer. everything is a drug really. everything we dont need is considered a drug to them lol. so fuck em. im still going to drive my gas powered car no matter what they say. and weed isnt a drug, every other thing that is illegal are drugs, like cocaine exdosey meth etc. you can grow weed and take off the buds and roll it up and smoke it. ex is made from household chemicals and caffeine. meth is the same way but with different effects. crack is made from cocaine and baking soda. weed isnt. and cocaine is made from coca plants which have to be mixed with chemicals to be made into to mind allertering cocaine. they used to put cocaine in coca cola to make people feel better, so why isnt weed legal in the US? and everybody puts out harmful gases to the ozone layer, pollution is all kinds of gases, humans fart and thats a flammable gas, so whats the difference between petroleum and methane? they are both harmful and flammable.
  12. Do you think there is a cure for all diseases? Discuss
  13. well since i sold my xbox, i havent really been playing games except i used to play astonia alot. and here is some of the games i played when i had my xbox. NFS most wanted. gtasa gtavc. medal of honor frontline and medal of honor (i forgot the name, it was the one based on pearl harbor), the sims bustin out (my sisters game, but i played it a few times, just to see if i could kill people), and Scarface the world is yours.
  14. brusselsprouts. or bbq pizza. (but bbq pizza was really good.)
  15. lol trees? maybe this is hell. who knows the truth?
  16. high school musical sucks. and they are saying that school is like that in the US? hell naw. school in america fucken sucks. especially where i used to go. i dropped out but anyways school in america is much worst than just taking drugs. i used to smoke weed in the bathroom. i know somebody that put exdosey in a teachers coffee. and the gangs are wild and one time this one dude lit the trash can on fire and almost burnt the school down. and imagine if a kid comes to school with a few guns and kills everybody in there. havent you heard about that shit?
  17. thats true though. i know i would. or i would just trash stores and steal what i needed.
  18. buzzed cut with cut in lines going down the sides. did it myself.
  19. FUCK IT. who cares? only rich people do. if parents dont want their kids learning cuss words then dont fucking buy them internet or games that have cuss words in them. Mature Rated means something motherfucker.
  20. ahhh no. i dont get on the computer that much anymore. i dont have time to play it. but hey if you like the game then good for you. have fun
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