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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Hey guys I wanted to tell you this as quick as possible. My mother and I were at some shopping mall in the Jamaican District of Maryland. So we went to this kiosk and these guys were playing GTA IV on there TV. I'd take some pictures with a camera if I had one. Only a few people were just watching them drive around but some other guy handed me this Reggea Mix tape to buy. I looked at it... then I looked again with a What The Fuck? Face and I saw. (Mix Tape Box-Art from there Official Site) Get the fuck out.
  2. Are you f'ing joking? It looks like G I Joe.
  3. You should of licked you tounge out like the KIZZ cats.
  4. Dood, the guy just replyed and said I want to put cock by your cock. I said no and he said he will bring girl clothes to wear/
  5. The (GTA IV Quiz ) which wich lead to a rick roll page. :P

  6. I made that piccy for the lulz . Anyway why does everyone think im a girl? should I say Im a girl or something?
  7. looks at siggy and jacks off lol i didnt notice it was changing. :)

  8. But aint it just plain wierd? Everyone actually thinks im a girl? Why because my PSN lol. Like when ever im on GTA4 Online and my psn color turns into pink on team deathmatch and always team mafia work i always get sick sex replys.
  9. -Sex, which probably wont happen. -A X-Box 360 - A Nokia phone. Fuck sidekicks. - Midnight Club Los Angeles - Saints Row 2 - A NEW PC.
  10. There are seriously are some sexualy petifiles on there. There are these people Lanza123 , Grange1 , SPARTAN , & niqqer. Jesus how in the hell can I block them? I block them all and they are still PM ing me. I dont know how to report them and get them banned from the server. Here want to see the messages the sent me? Look! No Bull-crap. Lanza--> (Message Title) Message Me PLZ The_Husky: Yes? Lanza--> I need help. The_Husky: Help with what. Lanza--> I need sex. The_Husky--> Ha! We're both in common! *Message Two* ( I need U ) Lanza123--> I need U The_Husky--> Where In game? Lanza123--> No I need U Baby. Like WTF? Grange1 Messages: ( Hello ) Grange1--> HI hello. The_Husky--> Hi Grange1--> Are you from england? The_Husky--> Yup Grange1--> What Part? The_Husky--> London. Grange1--> Are U single? The_Husky--? Umm no. Grange1--> Are you gay,strate,bi? The_Husky--> Strait. Grange1--> Are you a girl? ( LIKE WHAT THE F-? ) The_Husky--> No. Grange1--> Can you meet me at the Candid cafe at 4? The_Husky--> Fuck You. SPARTAN *Messages* SPARTAN-> where do you live? The_Husky--> 708 Martin Luther King Drive Apartment #3 Oklahoma. SPARTAN--> is dis ur real addres? The_Husky--> YH. Spartan--> Cool ru a girl? The_Husky--> Giggle on my nuts. Spartan--> (No Reply) Niqq3r's Messages Niqq3r-> Do you have a girlfriend? Husky-> no Niqq3r-> do you want a gf? Husky-> No Niqq3r-> do you want to go out? Husky--> I dont know you. who the hell is this? Niqq3r--> srry srry. Is it just me or all the rest of the people on PSN are a bunch of sick bastards? Jesus no wonder Micro-soft tells you to pay in order to be on LIVE.
  11. I have the skin. I just never used it because it looks " Wierd. "
  12. I swear Harwood Butcher stuck it up my ass.
  13. Hey man sorry for that dumbass topic you locked. Sorry i just felt doing that for the lulz. Well its great you didnt Warn me and got the flaim of my life.

  14. :blowjob gif: EDIT: I thought it was good. could of been better without the background trailer 3 , 4 sounds in it.
  15. Wow Harwood. You are Playing Skate and Posting on the forum. Nice Multi-tasker.
  16. Hey guys, since there is no reason to post a Grand Theft Auto IV Trivia here on the fun and games section Rockstargames has released a new mini-site for a 30 Question long quiz check it out here and you might win the top score! iFail
  17. ... Blue screen of death.I suugest calling Geek Squad.
  18. No It was a compliment not offensive :)

  19. The new movie featuring Steve Karel

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