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Everything posted by Chris

  1. We've received our third 'hidden package' from Rockstar, and this one contained a disc with two new screenshots on it, as well as some other goodies. The first screen shows Niko with some trashmen, the second shows Niko cruising around in a boat. Thank you R*!
  2. LOL @ your topic title, "surfaces", like it's a submarine or something.
  3. Microsoft and C&VG have confirmed that the first episode of the Xbox 360's exclusive content will arrive this August. Source: C&VG.com
  4. Ironically, this topic is getting a fair bit of discussion now. But yeah, I'm really hoping that all the crap topics are simply being made out of boredom and waiting for GTA IV. If they're still coming after GTA IV is out then something is seriously wrong with the people who post them and we'll probably need to kill them all off while making it look like an 'accident' and leaving just all the good people here. It's nice we have inquisitive people here but sometimes it does get a little lame. Oh and btw, the higher your post count the smaller your penis* * True story
  5. In the UK? They advertising loads right now, even with posters in bus stops and stuff. It's on Virgin1 at 10pm I believe, on Thursdays. The pilot they made for that was apparently like a film... if it did well, they'd pick it up for a TV series, if it didn't... well, it would just die like so many shows do. Yeah TTSCC is set between T2 and T3. And like Spaz I also (initially) thought the series was just a ploy to milk the franchise for all its worth, which it sort of is, however after watching the first few episodes I do actually like it and think they've done a good job. Yes the ratings have dropped a little after the pilot, most shows like this do, but it's getting a steady 8 million viewers each episode, more than some shows you'd think were more popular put together. @Red Devil: Ashes to Ashes looks interesting actually, I just read about it. Unfortunately it's UK made. In the UK, they're too inept to run ANY TV show for a whole season, we generally just get short series, like 6 episodes or something, fucking retarded I know. Put simply, it wouldn't be worth our time making a site for it because it wouldn't get enough worldwide viewers. Here's an update on shows we'll be covering: Main website and forums - for discussing anything to do with TV (hmm... you could join even if you don't like the shows we've selected to cover) Terminator: TSCC - site nearly ready to launch now Chuck - will launch soon after TTSCC The Big Bang Theory - will launch after Chuck, no design made yet TV Shows that haven't piloted yet but we're planning on covering. You probably won't have heard of any of these: Fringe - omg new JJ Abrams project!111!!!1 - no but seriously, anything with his name on is hyped to hell and is popular, to be fair most his work is actually pretty good Caprica - a battlestar galactica spin off - judging by the fanbase the spin off should be fairly popular immediately, sort of the same reason why TTSCC was popular straight away Dollhouse - omg new Joss Whedon project (guy who did the likes of 'Buffy' and 'Firefly'), with Eliza Dushku - should be popular Big Ed - Intelligence - Tapped - We Need Girlfriends - Those sites are where we'll have a huge advantage by getting there first, hopefully they'll all do well. And of course, every time a new TV show comes out that's good, we'll cover it. The network will expand every year! And yes I do realise this is a stupid place to plug these websites because it's my GTA fansite where we all like videogames and we're more interested in them than in TV - however, if any of you are like me, then you should enjoy my new sites
  6. Ignore TelewestAdvert. Keep to posting your collections, not your opinions on GTA3.
  7. I started this a couple of months ago, but haven't had the time to do anything else with it. There's been a topic in the Elite Member's forum for a while, where we all shitted on this:
  8. Seriously no one has read what I wrote in the first post. Read it before posting suggestions please.
  9. Yeah that's really old though. We're really only looking for stuff in it's first season. Bionic Woman was another show we were planning to cover but that's been cancelled now, unfortunately. The Big Bang Theory is another sitcom that's done well so we're probably going to cover that.
  10. Hi, I'm here on a rare visit to TGTAP's magnificent Entertainment forum, where we all discuss what entertains us in the way of music, film, TV, and literature. As you may well have guessed by now, I am indeed working with someone on creating some new fansites. Moving away from games this time though, and into the world of television - which you may also have guessed after spotting Summer Glau has terminated my previous signature. Now, before I shamelessly plug the network some more, I should point out what sort of TV shows we're creating websites for. Current fan favourites such as Lost, Heroes, House, Smallville, Scrubs... basically anything with more than 1 season already is what we will not be covering. No, the web is already saturated with fansites for those, Lost in particular due to the nature of the show demanding answers to everything! The shows we're covering are all new. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and Chuck, will be our first two show sites to launch, hopefully later this month, or early March. Chuck has already proven itself to be fairly popular after just 13 episodes, and T:TSCC is looking very promising, and I'm a huge Terminator (and Summer Glau) fan myself. The rest of the shows we have planned sites for you won't have heard of - they're all still in development, and pilots haven't aired yet. There's a mixture of drama, comedy, and action type stuff. Hopefully some of you guys also watch or download (legally of course ) and regularly watch TV shows, and perhaps you're even a fan of the two shows I've already mentioned. If so that's great, and I hope you're interested in becoming part of a promising new community - we're not ready to launch yet, but I'll reveal the website to you when we are, and we hope that you can become a good member there, as you are here. I am still of course working with TGTAP, it's my life, I'll never leave it. However, I'd also like to move on to new things, and not games any more. If you have any questions, suggestions of TV shows we should cover, or just want to show your interest in the project, let me know. I'll reveal more information soon.
  11. Everyone gets their shit from other forums anyway. Some people are members of several forums and post it everywhere including here. Either way we always try to credit the original source. We're thankful for everyone who also posts here to bring it to our attention.
  12. GoldenJoel at GTAForums has found that GameSpy have a new GTA IV screenshot in an article on their website. If you're thinking it looks familiar, you're probably thinking of a scene in the third trailer, where this screenshot is presumably taken from. Again, this screenshot is fairly small, so we'll update you if we obtain a full size version.
  13. I'm currently at University. I got them when the other webmasters got them, I'm just not at home to open them yet. Next weekend though I'm going home so I'll take pics then.
  14. Does anyone want to see all my shit? I'll have pictures of 2 hidden packages next weekend, I'll take some pics of my collection then too.
  15. ShopTo.net is fine, I've ordered from there before. They are fairly well known. EDIT: WTF you have to pay extra to preorder in America? Wow. Anyway if anyone else wants to preorder from GAME, Play.com, Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk, then please make use of the links on our Support Us page. That way you'll be helping out TGTAP at the same time, plus guaranteeing delivery before or on release date. Since Vice City I've received every GTA game 1 or 2 days before release date simply because I ordered online. Fuck going into a store.
  16. I would doubt it too. What might be more likely is GTA3/VC/SA to become available to download on Xbox Originals.
  17. You could always try ebay You get a free R* sticker with it btw, something else to add to your merchandise collection
  18. Really? Wow, I thought like literally everyone wanted multiplayer. And pretty much all current gen games have multiplayer and everyone I know with a 360 or PS3 plays online, I don't know anyone who doesn't in fact. I would be really annoyed if they didn't put multiplayer in, then it means we'd have to wait years for a PC release and then for the MTA and SAMP teams to develop a mod which most likely wouldn't be as easy as it was for the gta3 series.
  19. I have it. I dunno if they'll get more stock because it was brought out at around the same time as GTA3 or VC I think, there's probably not much demand for it anymore, especially as they're free on PC.
  20. Sorry, was an error on my part and has been fixed now. Thanks for the PM.
  21. Probably from GTAForums where STEAK is a minor meme there. I'm not sure many people here will find this funny, but oh well
  22. May I just point out that's one of the first screenshots from an early beta stage, look at the newer ones, it's not that bad.
  23. Thank you for your comments, much appreciated. The team here do an excellent job if I may say so myself.
  24. I like how they miss off GTA Advance every single time they update. It's like they're ashamed of it or something. I mean how the hell does anyone actually find the GTA Advance site without being linked from somewhere other than R*
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