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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Everyone seems to be posting this on their sites now so I have too. Upon further research it appears the site is connected to Games Aktuell magazine so it would appear they're a fairly credible source.
  2. That's according to German gaming website Cynamite.de. The site claims that an unknown Rockstar spokesperson has confirmed that a fourth trailer for GTA IV will be released before the game comes out, and like previous trailers will show cinematic scenes rather than actual gameplay footage. No release date for the trailer has been announced by Rockstar as of yet, but we'll keep you updated on that. Link: Cynamite article (translated) Thanks to Stallone on our forums for this and everyone who emailed.
  3. But getting rid of the store means we don't have points anymore, for reasons I mentioned. We won't have a use for the trading stalls - the only main thing it's used for is for trading graphics now, but that can just be moved to the graphics forum. I don't see why everything has to be done for points, how about some respect - that's far more important. It is, but how will you be able to get new graphics made by other members? If they're taking their time out to do something for you, and they don't get anything for it, I don't really see the point TBH. If they give them to you for free, then fine, but it just seems a little odd to me. I know that the only thing you could do with the cash was buy weapons and other things, that you probably wouldn't end up using anyway, but still. What happens to the dollars we have on hand then, do they mean anything or not? I guess they'll be wiped out when the store goes. Well, back in the olden days people kind enough to make sigs would usually get the person they're doing it for to write "Sig by [usernmame]" underneath the sig so people would see it and they'd gain respect like that. It always worked well and there was more of a good-natured feeling around.
  4. I think it's fairly obvious that we will get another trailer, I mean the official site hasn't even been fully launched yet. Also if it was "soon" then Rockstar would put a countdown on the site and, low and behold, announce it. I'm not sure how credible the site is but they just write out a quote and don't say who said it. It's foreign and I think they've interpreted it wrong to be honest. I mean of course another trailer is coming, they think it means in like a week or something when it's more likely to be in a month or 6 weeks or something, just before the game's release. Thanks anyway, I suppose it 'confirms' a 4th trailer... not sure how newsworthy this is right now though.
  5. I'll have a look and see if you're record is still in the database or something. Ok lol there's like 25 people in there still waiting for approval, some of these gang leaders need to check their gangs. I removed your record anyway so you should be able to apply to another gang now.
  6. Ok. Right this topic is supposed to be for discussing the changes I outlined in the first post. I don't want to argue about which multiplayer mod we use, hopefully we'll be able to use both but for now it doesn't matter. What does matter is how you feel about the changes.
  7. Was it this? http://www.rockstar69.com/ They sponsor loads of 'extreme sports' and such stuff. Although I do recall a Rockstar Games logo at some sporting event so it's possible, I'll try and find it. Might have been at the X Games.
  8. SA-MP and MTA are the two BEST mods available for GTA. They're both awesome and each have their own pros and cons. MTASA DM isn't even a final build yet so everyone bashing it is looking like a fool. Now everyone STFU about that. Like, Connor wtf is with your "and you know it" attitude, what are you 12? Sounds like you were on a shit server tbh. There's really no need to side, they're both great mods and at the moment it's personal preference. It's also extremely unfair comparing a developer preview to a final build. Having said that, have any of you even played MTA? Have you seen the interface, it looks fantastic, they put a lot more effort into the whole experience. People are saying that nobody has a 360/PS3 and nobody has GTA on PC. WTF? How can that be possible, it makes no sense? The people who can't play are the ones who are most vocal which is why you might get that impression. If you're one of the few that can't play online then tough, that's your problem. You're going to miss out on a lot of fun though. So if possible, try and get your PC upgraded or save up for a console, if you're a kid. And btw once we do get a server going will post it on the site as well so thousands of people will see it. Now, the vast majority of people come here for GTA mods, so guess what, most these people have GTASA on their PC's, so chances are they're going to be interested in the MTA/SAMP server. Hell maybe we can put both on and see which people prefer. People need to give both a chance. This can easily get pretty popular and improve activity.
  9. But getting rid of the store means we don't have points anymore, for reasons I mentioned. We won't have a use for the trading stalls - the only main thing it's used for is for trading graphics now, but that can just be moved to the graphics forum. I don't see why everything has to be done for points, how about some respect - that's far more important.
  10. Yeah well MTA or SAMP... I always prefered MTA (from back in the days of GTA3 and VC) but I suppose SAMP is more popular. At the moment. MTASA has been getting some good feedback, even from SAMP players. Maybe we could have both... not practical but we'll decide nearer the time.
  11. Ha, you got my attention. I'll watch these later.... they actually any good though? You better not be shit.
  12. Hmm good question. Well, my idea was that the clans would be all centred here at TGTAP (each GTA site is probably gonna have their own members set up their own clans etc.)... so I guess just ones here at TGTAP, we'd still use the gang system for this, the multiplayer forum is where all the actual recruiting would take place.
  13. I would like as many people to respond to this as possible because it concerns some pretty major changes that may affect you and please/annoy you depending on how you view things so we'd like your thoughts. I've come to post this based on things members have said, my own thoughts, and also looking at a number of other large GTA forums. We want to focus more on the community and GTA itself, we want to remove novelties and overall improve the whole culture of the forums. I've explained the changes I'm planning on making below, and justified the reasoning for each one. Please take all this into consideration before you reply. Removal of the forum store The first major change is the removal of the store - for good. This is something I've always had in the back of my mind but never really wanted to because of the potential of the gang system and the fact members seem to like it for some reason. The fact is, it's a novelty and not something we really need anymore. The culture has changed a lot, and earning points for posts isn't a cool thing anymore. I couldn't find one single GTA forum with this mod now, but years ago when we got it it was unique and people loved it. Now, we have no serious use for it, and half of it is broken and will not be fixed (this is out of my hands, it's not my mod). This brings me on to the change of use for the... Gang System This was a mod I made myself to integrate with the store - which unfortunately never got completed and thus I could not complete the gang system. The idea was that you would buy weapons from the store with your points earned through posting, and use them in a text based RPG game against rival gangs - great idea in theory, but there are a number of flaws and things we simply cannot do due to limitations of the PHP programming language. Now, we would still keep the gang system, however, it would not integrate with the store at all (as it will be gone), instead, it will function as a clan system for your gangs in MTASA/SAMP/VCMP or whatever mod you play GTA multiplayer - and then of course for GTAIV which the vast majority I'd imagine will play online. The main features of joining, kicking out etc would all stay. Notes: current gang forums would be archived gangs with private forums will stay and will still be able to be used This brings me on to my next change... GTA Multiplayer Forum The creation of this forum will be the hub of all our multiplayer GTA topics. It will allow members to recruit other members to their gangs, advertise servers they've created (for SA, VC, GTA3), organise matches (perhaps gang versus, or just random people) and of course just discuss multiplayer GTA in general. Something that's all spread out across the 3 main GTA forums right now, and would all be placed in a single easier to find forum. This forum would likely become far more popular after GTAIV's release for obvious reasons. MTASA Server To help boost activity and interest in multiplayer we're looking at starting our own official server for MTA. Most of you would be interested in this, yes? That's it, hopefully you can see the direction we're looking to take this forum in. I personally feel these changes would have a great impact on the forum. I understand though, that some members will be annoyed, those who've become fond of points for example, and those who for some reason like buying fake items from the store... but yeah. Let us know your thoughts on this so we can make decisions and things. TL;DR - gonna remove store, gangs gonna be mainly for multiplayer clans, make a gta multiplayer forum for talking about multiplayer gta
  14. I agree with TM in that I don't really like restricting members simply because they're new. Especially since we're growing in popularity. It would require at least 1 mod looking at it all the time, I think it's too much hassle to do all that.
  15. Tried using the latest version? http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/file.php?id=328
  16. It was ok. I was fortunate enough to see it in an IMAX theatre so it looked awesome, but yeah it was a little disappointing, not much action either, the final battle scene was good though. BTW I Am Legend is a massive disappointment too.
  17. No offence but who the hell nominated gta player #69?.... MS Paint much?
  18. Similar to last year, the voting for hottest member is slightly more complex than a simple poll, for a fairer and more competitive edge. Last year we had 13 submissions (all male), with only 2 female members submitting we didn't think it fair for them to go head to head. This year we have 19 guys and 4 girls in the running, and there will be 2 awards, one male, one female. Remember at the end of the day, this is all just a bit of fun To vote, simply list the top 3 members, who are in your opinion, the best looking. We will allocate a number of points for who you say is 1st, 2nd and 3rd, etc. The winner will be the member who has racked up the most points by the end of the contest. We'll let you know later when that is. Posting should be done in a similar fashion as follows, you may copy and paste this format if you wish: [b]Male[/b] 1. 2. 3. [b]Female[/b] 1. 2. 3. Right, without further ado, here are the pictures submitted by our members. Like all the other polls, members are listed in alphabetical order, with ladies first, gentleman follow... All thumbnails are clickable and lead to the fullsize image hosted at ImageLodge.net. The Ladies: kokane Little_Chestnut Rainbow Bear YellowJacket The Gentlemen: Antichrist Chris chris82 Gerard Godfather Gycu Brun hunter88888 IVAN ALEXANDROV JamieS K9 Krew Lord Voldemort Nate14 Original GTA Master Psycho Connor Sky shadow539 Spaz The Great tilly wheelman101 That's all. Good luck everyone!
  19. Vote for the member who you think has performed the best stunts in San Andreas.
  20. Vote for the member who you think has performed the best stunts in Vice City
  21. Vote for the member who you think knows the most about GTA Vice City Stories.
  22. Vote for the member who you think knows the most about GTA Liberty City Stories.
  23. Vote for the member who you think knows the most about GTA San Andreas.
  24. Vote for the member who you think knows the most about GTA Vice City.
  25. Vote for the member who you think knows the most about GTA3.
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