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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Because I literally just fixed it, was about to post here to tell you all
  2. Yeah I had a word with myself about it but it turns out I am busy and also the problem isn't important I actually have no idea, apparently they should be working. And this is supposedly one of the last releases, he's working on IBStore 4 now I believe.
  3. It broke because the guy who made it starting upgrading it (so it worked on the new versions of IPB) but then stopped halfway through for some unknown reason... and basically it was stuck as a really buggy beta build for ages. Until now, where it's now in development again.
  4. Must have missed it during a minor upgrade, I'll fix it later tonight. Thanks.
  5. Arv the namless: lolz at how random this is for a 250k post on a GTA forum - floating around.. lol
  6. Well folks, we've reached our second big milestone. 100,000 posts was the last one, now we're at 250,000, or a quarter of a million. Thanks to everyone who is posting and keeping this place active, 250,000 more and we'll be on big-boards.com. Happy posting, and think before you post, we don't need any spam here, if you've nothing useful to post then at least consider posting in a little more detail rather than just a pointless sentence, that, or not at all (unless you're in fun & games where it doesn't matter)
  7. Check the news forum everyone, we've got all the screenshots in our own gallery now, there's a news post for it.
  8. All the screenshots are now in our gallery
  9. Don't worry, I got them too, just about to upload them all. Patience!
  10. Dutch gaming website XboxWorld.nl has posted the first images of GTA IV's multiplayer modes in a new preview on their website. Additionally, they posted a number of digital versions of screenshots that recently appeared in various magazines. There are 20 normal single player screenshots and 9 multiplayer screenshots, a selection of which are shown below. The rest you can see in our gallery. UPDATE: It appears the article has been pulled, along with all the screenshots. XboxWorld may have posted this a little sooner than R* would have liked. Source: XboxWorld.nl Thanks Charger for the heads-up.
  11. Weird, I just tried and it just gives me an error saying I should contact myself about it. It's nothing urgent but I'll look into sometime.
  12. Try now, and disregard what I said about opening bank accounts, that now only applies to members who've never used the bank before.
  13. On Xbox 360 you can choose in your console settings whether you use triggers or buttons for racing games. Is there no such configuration changes possible on PS3?
  14. I was looking around invisionize.com today and it turns out the IBStore project is now back in development again, and several updates had been released, mostly bug fixes and a couple of feature changes. So, I went ahead and upgraded it. Now before you all get really excited for no reason (really, it's just a shop). We still don't really have much planned for it. Well we did, sort of. But things happen. There was talk of us coding a multiplayer mode for SAMP/MTASA and trying to integrate the store, in fact there was a lot of talk because people liked the idea. While this still may happen, it hasn't really taken off as we'd expected. GTA IV is stealing much of our focus now, and the popularity of San Andreas is obviously going to deteriorate after IV's release. But, I am happy for development to continue, whoever wants to do it. I myself probably won't be doing much though, except helping where I'm required. We'll have to see what happens really, perhaps if we get some more coders on board then something may come to fruition... Anyway, the main changes in this store: Bank Accounts .................. Yeah, first time you go to the upgraded store you'll notice your bank is gone (OMGWTFBBQ?!). Fear not, just click on "Open new bank account" which costs you 500 dollars (lol) and it'll give you an account. All your old bank money will be there once it's opened. You haven't lost anything. Quizzes .......... Yeah I heard these are sort of fixed. No idea if they actually are because I've no interest in trying them. And besides, they're all really old and some pay out ridiculous amounts of money, which needs to be changed. Otherwise we'll get retards registering multiple accounts, playing quizzes, and sending the money to their primary account. Then we have to whip out the ban hammer and it all gets very messy.... Items .... Yeah... all gang related stuff probably won't work, but you don't even have any reason to use them now, so if you do then it's your own fault if something messes up. Buying/selling items should of course work perfectly though, not that you have any reason to buy anything but a lot of you like to anyway. So yeah, let me know if there's any weird bugs, but it should be running pretty smoothly now.
  15. Dammit. I can't upgrade anything without someone noticing before I make an announcement! I'm closing this topic and making a new topic in announcements, look out for it in a few minutes.
  16. According to Wikipedia: About 34% (75 countries) of the world by population drive on the left, and 66% (164 countries) on the right Although apparently, when roads were first made, almost everyone used to drive on the left. I've no diea why so many countries switched over. It doesn't piss me off, you get used to it. And since it's GTA, obeying traffic laws isn't the highest of our priorities usually, I don't think police will be as strict as you think they'll be in GTAIV.
  17. Let me point you over to Grand Theft Wiki, http://gta.wikia.com/wiki/GTA_III_era_Timeline I think it sums up what you were trying to do I know their page is really badly formatted and not organised well, it has tons of unnecessary information but if you can work your way through it will explain everything
  18. That does sound like something a mod might cause (when you load the mission it tries loading a file you've modified and it's corrupt and crashes your game), but if you say you've reinstalled the game I'm not sure what it would be. If you can't fix it, upload your save game here, and someone will complete the mission for you, save the game, and upload the file here, then you can continue.
  19. I would have thought additional multiplayer modes are a strong possibility, as well as relatively simple enhancements such as further character customisation.
  20. Barrett Phillips (no relation to me), has created an amazing tribute video to GTA San Andreas. The video pieces together some fantastic footage of the state itself and some of things you can get up to. It is professionally made and definitely worth checking it out. Watch below. Link: High Res Download [via PlanetGTA]
  21. Chris


    Do they ship here now? Last time I checked I couldn't get stuff delivered to the UK. I wanted to because the USD is so insanely weak right now (I can get like almost 2 USD for my 1 GBP which is fucking awesome for importing ) I've imported stuff from American stores before with no problems, usually takes a while to get here though depending on what delivery method you use. It's pretty expensive to have the equivalent of First Class Airmail used, so if you can wait a couple of weeks then go for a cheaper shipping option if there is one. Amazon.com won't ship electrical products outside the US, and apparently a lot of other stores won't either. Also, you'll need to check if there's any import duties to be paid (probably part of the reason they won't ship is because they can't control import duties).
  22. I've updated our GTAIV Multiplayer page btw, it has all the known details about GTA IV's multiplayer modes.
  23. Pics of hidden packages #4 and #5 from Rockstar now on my flickr page.
  24. I would look at it like this: violence: having a fight with someone intense violence: blowing someone's head off with a shotgun and then maybe dumping the body somewhere.
  25. Good suggestion but I think that troubleshooting type topics can still stay in the gameplay & help forums. It's still 'help' that is required. More generic troubleshooting topics, I'm guessing PC stuff, can just go in the computer & tech forum.
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