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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I agree mostly with Xenon there. Simply put it's going to be a completely new game. With the amount of space on disc being over 5 times more it is rather pointless making it the same game. I reckon they will completely revamp the whole system, everything from graphics, to game physics, driving, improved rag-doll (fair play it was lame in SA). etc. etc.
  2. Once upon a time, there was a moderator here named biggamer132. I miss him, but nobody else does here, which is sad, he survived cancer and is younger than me. I think that's cool
  3. One day I got a computer in my own bedroom... I've been there ever since
  4. Welcome to the forums. And don't worry about Bryzed, he's mental, so are some other members.
  5. meh, just seen what comes up when you type pyroxide also what is very cool is if you type in spasmodically_insane its a pic of himself liek omg !!1!1!
  6. Oh good someone else is posting movies now, good to see. Never saw this topic.
  7. In addition to all this, I forced johnny to edit the news articles shadow warrior stole so that a link is provided back to us. Back to the convo we had... When I insulted johnny's apparent lack of English knowledge, I asked what country he was from and whether English was his first language. He didn't actually say. Shadow warrior stepped in and claimed johnny is a "special need kid" and has problems in speech and typing. He said johnny is 17. I asked exactly what was johnny's "special need". Neither of them could tell me which makes me wonder about the validity of that claim. johnny appeared to be pissed off with shadow warrior for telling me that, and said he was going to kill shadow warrior. Shadow warrior kind of pwned his friend by saying "no, you're just a weak ***"
  8. A conversation that took place between myself, "Shadow Warrior" and "server a.k.a Johnny" This happened at around 3am last night where I was incredibly tired, I was asked what would be the consequence would be of them hotlinking my downloads. I replied that I had put up a hotlinking script so it doesnt matter anyway, plus I had banned their IP's from the entire website. Shadow Warrior laughed and said that he was using a school computer, of which there are 400 and I could never ban them all. So a simple search on whois.sc revealed a range of IP's based in Canada, Winnipeg to be exact. I gathered the following information and presented it to them: OrgName: WiBand Communications OrgID: WBND Address: 4-2130 Notre Dame Avenue City: Winnipeg StateProv: MB PostalCode: R3H-0K1 Country: CA NetRange: - So there I had a huge range of IPs from the ISP based in Winnipeg. Assuming the 3rd octet ranges from 128-159 -- some simple sums: 159 minus 128 = 31, the 4th octet ranges from 0-255, so then 31 x 255 = 7905. So I had 7905 IPs which potentially I could ban from the server and prevent the entirety of Winnipeg from visiting the site, which would be cruel on others; so I didn't. An excerpt from the conversation (note the times of posting and my tiredness yet still the ability to own them) That was pointless typing all that out, but I had nothing better to do, and it was funny Pwning them at the time.
  9. Don't be a n00b, and ONLY post pictures of HOT WOMEN, not ugly/obese/anorexic or any other physical flaws. Like kiku did. Right in the middle of a quality topic. And hes only 12. And he's got a BBW fetish already. Sick.
  10. No kiku I was being serious, we don't like your obsession with fat ugly whores. Stop posting these dreadful images you sick freak.
  11. from windowsblinds.net or something, it's called Retro. I have a new background Kristanna Loken
  12. I thought it was cool that I Pwned to people in one post, you don't often get the chance to do that.
  13. Fuck off, you have the same IP, that's three accounts now, actually fuck it. your banned off the entire server, you're a complete prick and waste of life if you ask me. Your site is a worthless piece of shit and is using PHPNuke which makes it even worse. I also know the person from GTAireland, it doesn't make a difference. I'm not exactly a fan of his either, with his blatant ripping off of paragraphs from several of my GTAFour pages, which he has simply reworded, and poorly I may add. Complete with various spelling errors which I didn't make on my page. Shadow Warrior, you sir, are a twat.
  14. kiku h4x0rz the game! seriously did you hack it somehow?
  15. Splinter Cell is flawed in my opinion. So the game is all about stealth, But check out those BRIGHT LUMINOUS GREEN goggles he wears, anyone could spot him a mile off. That's arrogant game makers for you, think they can create a realistic stealth game, pfft.
  16. You wont need a kit, he's using PHP Nuke. The easiest CMS in the world to hack, by 'script kiddies' anyway. skynetz.xcelwebmedia.com is the URL. To further add to the put-down of his site, check out the statistics, he's averaging around 150 page views a day, but on March 28th over 50000 page views were generated, all to look as if they were more popular?
  17. I don't want to come into the sjsd school server and be fucked. Oh and nice job editing the first post, you're really smart aren't you
  18. You have the same IP as Shadow Warrior, don't act like your someone else on the team. And NO, you can't have our downloads on there, remove them ALL. I now have coded a hotlinking script into my pafiledb, so none of the links work anyway you idiot. Go on, try and download one of our downloads from your site, you just get an error page.
  19. Wow you really are pushing your luck actually, I've just been browsing your downloads and it seems you are just hotlinking the majority of downloads on this site, some of which are exclusive, like my 100% checklists. You better remove them now before my host and I take action against you, not only are you stealing our bandwidth, you also never asked my permission to have the mods, which infringes our copyright, it also infringes EVERY SINGLE mod copyright where the mod author asks for him to be contacted first before a website hosts it.
  20. Hey, you have been stealing some of my news stories You do know that's infringing our copyright? If I were you I would edit them in your own words, or provide a link back to www.thegtaplace.com in each news story you have stolen from us. Before I take action... and I will... I've done it before.
  21. I know someone is their 30's who still plays games, also Recluse on GTABoards is in his 40's
  22. There seems to be a lack of news on anything pertaining to GTA at the moment, so I'm taking this oppurtunity to post about the latest ad you have probably seen us running; the Splinter Cell campaign. The game has recently been released and is already proving pretty popular among gamers. If you are interested in the game then check out the following links: Screenshots The Highly-anticipated Co-op Trailer NSA Training Video #5 The aforementioned links will take you to the relevant pages of interest, the NSA training video is quite interesting, they are a series of videos produced by the development team using real in-game character models and a healthy dose of comedic tactics. #5 highlights moves found in the PS2 version of Chaos Theory. Enjoy!
  23. You probably messed up when replacing textures, be sure to read the readme correctly.
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