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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Various European magazines have now been published which contain previews for San Andreas on PC/Xbox. First of all there is the Dutch Xbox Magazine which contains 19 screenshots. Here is some of the new info translated by Jelmer: Thanks to this GTAForums topic for the info. Secondly we have Italian magazine GMC - Giochi per il mio computer with a PC preview, no new information although they mention something about widescreen being available, GTA3 and VC had this so no suprise there. There are also some screens in the magazine. Thanks to GTA-Series and this GTAForums topic for info/scans. Finally German magazine Offizielles XBox Magazin has information and screenshots on the Xbox version. The Xbox version will apparently be more of a port of the PC version, rather than the PS2 version as GTA3 and VC were. Information from the magazine includes: Thanks to GTASanAndreas.net and GTA-SanAndreas.de for the info, this GTAForums topic contains scans
  2. We told you yesterday about various websites with previews expected to be put up soon. Gaming-Age have now placed their article online with some interesting stuff. While it gives us no new informaton on the game in particular, they do manage to get the release date wrong, stating June 17th, 10 days after as stated by Rockstar. This is probably a simple typo, however, they also tell us the PC system requrements. Rockstar still haven't released these specs so we are taking these as predicted rather than the actual ones. It is possible though that the editor got a look at the box and may have noted down all the requirements. Links to websites we told you about yesterday that have now published their article: Worth Playing
  3. oops forgot to reupload them... uploading them again now. Also that reminds me, I never got chance to backup the uploads folder, so any attatchments to posts or uploads via the image uploader after april 1st will probably be gone Sorry about that, just reupload if you still have the image, same with your posts.
  4. Well there is some confusion as to whether Rockstar have actually done anything in support for modders, some articles suggest they have whereas other either don't mention it or just state they are looking forward to what modders can produce.
  5. The URL to the Rockstar Classics downloads site is http://www.rockstargames.com/classics/ for anybody who wanted to download GTA1 or GTA2 from it.
  6. Rockstar have given us a heads up with a list of smaller gaming sites who are putting up San Andreas PC previews in the coming days, some of those websites already have. Rockstar seem to have invited representitives from all the gaming sites and treated to them to the same preview, as they all talk about much the same things. Game Revolution's Article has nothing that differ's from previous articles. They mention they can't wait for the mod community to get their hands on it, and they do make a nice bulleted list of the PC enhancements which I shall echo here: GameZone's and Adrenaline Vault's articles are also similar to others, with the same screenshots you've no doubt already seen, although AVault did put up the high resolution ones which we will be able to show you later this week. AVault also suggest that the replay mode has had a few revisions mde to it. They say: We can also see the return of being able to save your stats to an html file. Other sites we are told to expect previews from are Gaming-Age, Worth Playing, Game Daily and Games Domain
  7. There is no limit, it may be just that one car you have replaced didn't install properly or something, because the problem seems pretty random to me.
  8. Oh well I'll download them some other time.
  9. Meh, wrong forum and if you meant San Andreas theme tune then it's in our downloads database, once I enable them in a minute anyway.
  10. Yeah, I think they will release in october like they normally do, no chance for June release coinciding with the SA PC release.
  11. That's right we've got 3 updates for you on the PC version of San Andreas. One each from Gamespy, Gamespot and IGN. Whilst all articles pretty much divulge the same information, it's worth checking out all three. GameSpy: This article mentions the game's story for the benefit of those who've been living under a rock the past year, but also makes known the differences and upgraded features San Andreas will receive on the PC version, such as improved draw distance, and mp3 radio. There are also a few more screens for you to cast your eyes over. GameSpot: This article is much the same in that it doesn't contain any new information. It does however, focus a lot on the new features such as the replay mode and the MP3 radio station which can now fetch random intro's and outro's from the standard radio stations. IIt also talks about the keyboard controls and the improved graphical qualities. IGN: A few screens here to look at, other than that the article concentrate's on the improvements made to textures and draw distance etc. plus how stunningly quick loading times are. We'll have all the nice, unwatermarked screenshots for you soon, thanks to Rockstar for the heads up.
  12. For once we have a new cheat not discovered by edisoncarter, this one was released by Rockstar Games themselves. Enjoy it!
  13. You and every other PSP fanatic out there. And Rockstar won't release shit to us. Damn, atleast a screenshot for Christ's sake! Maybe they haven't even started it yet
  14. Not allowed to discuss this sort of stuff here. Buy the game if you wish to play it.
  15. works for me too. Although it's a free phpBB which is in my opinion even worse that InvisionFree.
  16. This is GTA3 we are talking about, and each rampage has 2 locations, they switch around every time you fail it, and dissappear once you pass it.
  17. Oooh another copyright infringement of our name. It's InvisionFree so it'll never pick up anyway. Do you know what happened to the last website that called themselves The GTA Place?
  18. No! When Spaz had his name as that people thought he was the owner of the porn site with the .com name
  19. You have a short temper and flip out too easily as Spaz said. But you're only 12 and too immature in my opinion, at the moment. Besides, Denmark is only an hour in front of me so we are mostly on at the same times. Currently we have staff in quite seperated timezones, which is imperative for an international board like this. Millermagic - GMT -0600 Spaz - GMT -0500 Skyline - GMT -0500 Cough7007 - GMT -0500 PyrOxide - GMT 0 Jason290 - GMT 0 Earthbound - GMT+ 0930
  20. Xenon is a gas, how do I get a pic of something invisible? nevermind, this BMW uses Xenon instead of Argon in it's lights that was random. Search for Chris and not Pyroxide since that only fetches two images.
  21. Chris


    No, you are incorrect, bryan is also from Ireland, hence his website GTAIreland. Also I love your use of oxymorons in that sentence. "sensible motherfucker" Great one.
  22. He realised GTA4 is several years a way. He probably doesn't want to be making fanart for several years.
  23. Chris


    We have some new moderators here on the forums. First Earthbound, some may know him from gtaforums, he will be moderating the gang section and gta3 forums. Secondly Jason290, who will be moderating some forums which I haven't decided on yet. Congrats to them both anyway. Respect them.
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