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Everything posted by Chris

  1. i know several people called Aaron, one of them is a ... actually i wont say but, i'll try and find the screen/piece of info about the cropduster if you still want it http://www.thegtaplace.com/sanandreas/screenshots.php is where you can find ALL the official screenshots.
  2. im glad your here too, its nice to have someone who stays active, quite a few newbies here only posted a couple of times oh and welcome to the boards mrlittle
  3. heh, its easy, first of all get a picture of yourself and put it on your computer, resize it to a decent size (maximum of 640x480 please) then just reply here and you see the bit above Add Reply it says: File Attachments You may attach a file to this message. click on browse and find the photo of you on your computer then just Add Reply
  4. Yeah actually it was unknown to me, but then i saw it when we rented it out from Blockbuster and thought it was pretty good. It stars Paul Walker (the guy from FnF) and him and his older brother are going to pick up a girl, whilst driving down the highway they decide to play a joke on an arrogant trucker they bumped into and set him up on a date in a hotel room, next door to their own room. This all goes horribly wrong, the other bloke who was actually the truckers 'date' gets killed and the trucker is now out to kill them (and the girl once they pick her up) actually cuz im not that good at explaining plots of stories then read what people on Amazon have written here they dont actually have it on Amazon.com so maybe its a UK only thing (it is an American film though)
  5. could be because you have a slow connection and it has timed out, or because the site is getting so much traffic it times out BTW does anyone wanna help me make a list of all the innuendos Rockstar have put in, i spotted another whilst browsing the site Wang Cars - Wankers
  6. well you just hover over the left side of the broken up picture and click on san fierro and wait for it to load
  7. Hehe, I told you something might happen tonight, and it did. All of a sudden there's an email from Rockstar announcing a load of stuff. The San Fierro part is now available to see, and there is a brand new trailer which is absolutely awesome and shows off the incredible gameplay. Check Out The Official Website Here I will try and get all the new information and screens added ASAP, Rockstar Games website is getting so much traffic it keeps timing out so I can't get it all right away. also in the email they told us of the official GTA Advance site launch..
  8. This is very strange now, its as if somethings happened thats stopped Rockstar doing anything, since September 10th we've had nothing. Yet in September 2002 for Vice City there were new screens and previews virtually every few days, and that was what it was like last month for San Andreas. Maybe they are just playing with us but it certainly isn't normal. The last thing we heard was "COMING SOON.. OFFICIAL SITE UPDATE: SAN FIERRO" and it hasnt been updated, but maybe it will tonight, after all it is usually a Friday or Saturday when we get updates. Maybe its the PStwo thats causing delays. On the official website there was a very minor update in the way of the ESRB rating and is now rated mature, as expected. With details of: - Blood and Gore - Intense Violence - Strong Language - Strong Sexual Content - Use of Drugs Anyway there is a bit of new info, from P2 magazine:
  9. remember no discussing pirate copies I recently bought Road Kill and Donnie Brasco, they're both pretty good.
  10. lol wtf is it? i r be listening to Kim Wilde - Kids In America because thats whats on Vice City which is what i am playing right now o_O
  11. I think mine have changed since I last posted them, here they are Microsoft Windows XP Professional w/ SP2 60GB HDD Intel Pentium 4 with 1.70GHz processor 1024MB (1 GB) RAM Graphics: nVIDIA GeForce 4 MX440 with AGP8X and Video Capture Sound: Creative SoundBlaster Live! Other Stuff: Standard Floppy Disk Drive Pioneer DVD-ROM Yamaha CD Re-writer IOMEGA Zip 100 Drive Dazzle DVC 80 video capture thingy (for getting screens from my ps2 games) 6 USB Ports I also have a 40GB HDD with Win2K Pro on it and on old 8Gb one with RedHat Linux 8 on it
  12. Dunno where this topic went so i've started a new one, everyone is gonna say San Andreas I know but what about the others. You can say games that have already been released and you want to get too. me: San Andreas NFS:UG2 GT4 Burnout 3 (maybe) the sims 2 (maybe) um, cant think of any others right now
  13. Ok it's time for another one of "Chris's Gmail-Invite-Give-Away Competition" Guess my sister's name, it begins with K, thats all im telling you, good luck Rules: One guess per post Only post once, then you have to wait until someone else posts before you can post again
  14. hmm, maybe you should make a new topic of this Precision, update it without the now banned members
  15. ok, now that those spammers are banned, does anybody else have pics they want to post, i feel this topic can be revived somehow
  16. While there is currently no GTA related news to post I thought I'd post this. The Hype Council have asked us if we would like to promote a couple of upcoming games. The games are Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault and Goldeneye: Rogue Agent, both banners are in the rotator above (you get a random one upon loading the page). On the Goldeneye website you can play a cool Flash thing where you see how 'villainous' you are and by accumulating a certain amount of points you can enter things such as sweepstakes. Check out the promotion website by clicking the banner below. <script language='javascript1.1' SRC="http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/N2790.HypeCouncil/B1427187.6;abr=!ie;sz=468x60;click=http://www.hypemakers.net/gera/go.php?v=e&adv=486&redir=;ord=[timestamp]?"> Click Here The other game we are promoting, MOH:PA, has an official demo which you can download and play, it looks pretty awesome but the filesize is pretty hefty. Check out the banner below for more information. <script language='javascript1.1' SRC="http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/N2790.HypeCouncil/B1402125.5;abr=!ie;sz=468x60;click=http://www.hypemakers.net/mohpa/go.php?v=a&adv=484&redir=;ord=[timestamp]?"> Click Here
  17. Thanks to FreshRollyG from GTA-SanAndreas.com for this info. After 2 weeks of no new info Gamepro have some, its a long page of posts so I won't summarise it, it's easier if you just read it all yourselves. Read it Here
  18. Now I know this isn't much of a news story but there's nothing much to post about as we've had no new info from Rockstar for over 2 weeks now, and the official site still hasn't had its update yet. Anyway when I read the latest issue of PSM2 UK (# 54) I was rather dissapointed by the fact they said "San Andreas Map Revealed!". Naturally I assumed that Rockstar had given them the first preview of the whole map. But when I looked at the map (which was for some reason printed in grayscale) I thought it looked incredibly similar to one that was submitted to this website. Now you may realise i'm talking about that fantastic map that tnk made (look here if you haven't seen it) and if you compare it you will see it is exactly the same, now PSM2 have not given any credit to tnk which I thinks kinda rude. They just say "San Andreas will look exactly as you see above, providing you believe the work of bloody talented internet tricksters." They basically just point out the same inaccuracies we found last month. Anyway its worth the read if you don't mind not getting any new info.
  19. Just reading through the latest PSM2 which I have something to comment about in a later news post, I noticed it said what was being banned from the Australian version of the game. It says that the Australian censors have requested that both the new Burglary and drug-taking features be removed. However the guys in New Zealand aren't such tight assholes and don't really care like the UK and USA, and furthermore, games bought from NZ work on your Aussie PS2, so if I were you make sure you get a copy from NZ if you don't want a censored one.
  20. ah yeah i didnt mean to sound angry there, i just had a bad day. I just assumed everyone already knew that piece of information @GTA SA FREAK: are you trying to advertise that site or something, shouldnt really be discussed in this particular topic
  21. hmm, i have no idea what could be wrong. sorry. I dont have an xbox myself so I wouldnt know
  22. yeah you clearly arent that big a gta fan Rockstar said in the very first announcement that it is set 5 years after Vice City (1986), 1991. those teaser sites are just teaser sites, they dont contain real information, they just give the in-game stuff a bit more depth thats all
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