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Posts posted by Butters!

  1. I live in a Polish, German and Catholic dominated community here in the the US. I got a good belly laugh out of the video and we cannot take things so seriously. We tell pollock jokes at school even though 75% of the last names end with ski because we all know that polish can't spell toboggan. I live here and yes we love to make ethnic jokes. But keep the black jokes down to a minimum (no sense of humor). So to all my American friends, "If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen!".

    About this video, I am certain it was done in good ethnic parody. They most likely edited the footage to get the worst answers. But sadly yes that is true of I would have to say more than half the US intelligence straight out of high school. Also I detect a southern accent in most people interviewed. Not knocking the south my Grandma came from Texas a college graduate but the education suffers in the south due to the economy. The average person in the US is not good at geometry, geography, history, and world politics. The good news is the "average person" doesn't actually take an active part in running our country. We leave it to the retard we elected twice!! :lol:

    ...And thats why America had the best Political turn out ever! If Gorden Brown wants to stay in Office, hes gonna have to start Copying America :lolbounce::lolbounce::lolbounce:

  2. To be honest though, even though it is made up by CNNNN, you can't really be that annoyed. America constantly makes fun of other contries;

    British are apparently all Posh Weaklings,

    Canadians are aparently goody two-shoes

    Irish are apparently all Stupid Drunks

    French apparently are all really smelly

    Germans are apparently all Fat

    All the other contries don't really care, because we know its just a cheap joke that makes some people smile, and we know its not true, America just happens to fall uner the stupid category, so just over it!

    It's not true, they probably asked a few people to act stupid. Its a cheap shot that makes some people laugh, and its not true

  3. I have a sig request, could you do a new version of my current sig, with no sky in it , and in Black and white (Like how S-V has his but in Los Santos) and have Butters!, and The Fiore Family Mafia on it in the Style of the GTA Logo

    PS how much would that cost?

  4. 6.Blackmail Al Quiada with it, get them to provide you with subatomic weapons, bow up the pentagon and kill the president, and take every country by force and become Unqestioned lord and master of earth universe

  5. That hot? Immposible

    If it was they would probably end the world by global warming, rather than find out how it began

    Anyway, there is no substance on earth that is mouldable to make a tube that would hold such intense heat. All the scientists inside the lab would die anyway. Its just such a pointless experiment, at the end of the day, finding out how the world began is just another thing that goes in some unlicky kids school textbook, it would still be hundreds of years before we would be able to even plan a way to use this information to do something!

  6. ^ Yey?????????????????????


    v By the age of 50 years old will be a homeless drug junkie who lives underneath the motorway, feeding on Cats, Rabbits, Birds and parts of cars that crash, and will end up sifening petrol from cars that pass, and sell it to other homeless drug junkies who sell it to other junkies who sell it to other junkies....

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