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Everything posted by Scott.

  1. Lmao I remember you! Why'd he get banned?

  2. Lawl :P. I wanna meet: Chris Rem Gerard Spaz -All active members who hated me a couple of years ago- Thomas Evo TNF Dirty Harry Spider-Vice Sky Rainbow Six (AZN) If I forgetz you tell me. @ Rainbow Six? I only go on bebo occassionally
  3. We Made It - Linkin Park Ft. Busta Rhymes.
  4. 1. What image host do you tend to use the most? (e.g. imageshack, photobucket, imagevenue, bayimg etc.) Photobucket 2. Why do you use this particular host? (e.g. it has a feature that no one else does? explain briefly why you don't use another site) Because it looks nice and you have a lot of space to put your personal photos etc. 3. What are generally the sort of images you host there? (e.g. sigs/avatars? personal photos? or just anything for posting on forums? etc.) Personal photos and forum posts. 4. Is there anything you dislike about the image host you currently use? (slow to load? bombarded with ads/popups? can't easily get links to the pics for showing friends, or posting in a forum? limits aren't very big? etc.) Slow to load. For me anyway 5. Would you be willing to start using a different image host if it had some decent features? Yes.
  5. Wouldn't it be better if she was rolling in cookies and milk?

  6. Mine comes up with a load of shit.. Scott Dack @ Google
  7. The Cupid Stunts.. Back to seriousness Huckleberry Mafia
  8. Cmon Portugal. I HATE the Germans. No offence to any German members...
  9. See you soon mate. Hope everything goes well
  10. ^ Aint real. Another RC. Fucking me off now, if they wanna get a world record they could at least make it work.
  11. Softpedia isnt real. Copy and paste this: ftp://mozilla.isc.org/pub/mozilla.org/fir....0/win32/en-US/ EDIT. Aint real.
  12. Finally got on the world record page. CLicked download FF 3 and it linked me to firefox 2. Wtf is up with that! EDIT: Just got given the full link form my sauce. May NOT be full. http://download1us.softpedia.com/dl/a7d1bc...Setup%203.0.exe
  13. I got RC, still looks pretty 1337. Fail.com for FF though.. expected better of them.
  14. Can someone close this please because the whole thing fucked up lol
  15. j00 like? ;)

  16. Tox... thats fucking quality!
  17. Good suggestion Kel, can see you have got it on GTA Sector, which is a good idea Think you should take it onboard Chris
  18. ^ Evo GO TO BED lolz. I like it Evo its awesome!
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