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Everything posted by Slayer

  1. LOL LOL impatient people... XD I've just done the 1st step (placing clips) and now the n00by one's next. Although placing effects might take time (I hope it won't) it's a simple one. The key to a good sync is in syncing parts of the stunt with the song. Just to make it clear - this isn't going to be the best vid ever nor very well edited. Tbh I was hoping Ghost'll get this one, but he was quicker . Well, atleast the stunts are good, defo a close battle between DC, GM and Ghost for the stunter of the vid...
  2. Yeah whenever I finish placing clips into timeline and find some time I might re-do some sections depending on how many not used stunts I have. Then it's the easy step, adding effects and such. Any n00b can do that.
  3. Meh, you're just my wannabe Celldweller - Switchback
  4. I fancy only a few songs... Moved to entertaiment
  5. Yeah I'm using crawl through knives. I like that "burning desire". I might use that one.
  6. Okay, an update... The editing's going slowly, I'm busy irl so I don't have much time to spend in front of PC. So yeah, this might take long, but it'll eventually get done. I was thinking of using the 3 minute song instead, but since I'm already on 2 minutes, I'll proceed with the 4 minute one. For the title I still haven't decided, probably something with "fire".
  7. Uhm dude, just as gof said, that's called ISB (insane stunt bouns). Call it whatever you want, but try to use the official terms when making/hosting challenges, not many people know what a stunt popup is
  8. No, you're trying to raise your post count. But you'll get that post deleted and a verbal warning, next time it'll be official, so try to make it less obvious next time. People please tell me, why are you so bored in life that you care about your post counts or such? If you'd ask me my post counts from any forums I'm on, I wouldn't know a single one. CLOSED
  9. Yeah, X2. Die bitch die! Die bitch die! Sing it with me! Die bitch die! Die bitch die! *guitar solo* [chours] Die bitch die! Die bitch die! Die bitch die! Die bitch die!
  10. Very good job, I find it hillarious
  11. Uhm, let me make a few things clear... The deadline was 23.2. and it still is, which means it's over with sending stunts. Now it's left for me to edit. I've captured all the stunts and the only thing you can do now is tell me which font color/effect you want. Now you ask me why won't I accept the stunts? I say first look at the date this collab was re-started. It was 3.2. - that means 20 days to stunt. I've set the deadline about a week before it, and as I was aware it's a short one I said that all who want more time should just request more time from me, either in this thread or on MSN. But as nobody did I've left the deadline intact. Now, when it's past, I don't accept stunts anymore, save them for the next project if they're worth anything. Btw Jace there isn't a 30th of February. But ok, use that if you want for this collab, since the stunts submitting is OVER.
  12. You need to download a browser fix aswell. And when you run SAMP run both browser and the debugger. If it freezes, keep pressing enter and it should either crash to desktop or get to work
  13. Okay, I have a felling this is turning into an evil spam fest... So if nobody has any complaints, I'll abuse my powers and close this
  14. One more thing - you need to tell me which text color/effect you want. I've bolded and colored those stunters who have done this part. If you don't request any effect I'll use the default one (w/e it is, probably black).
  15. Why don't you check out the readme file? I'm pretty sure there's a hotkey you have to use to activate NOS.
  16. Yeah, you have v2 of SA. Downgrade it.
  17. Vehicles with modded DFF files aren't allowed since the DFF changes their handling aswell, no matter if the handling lines stay the same. If you mean texture mod under "custom roads" the it's okay. Map mods aren't allowed. Custom skin is always allowed. NOS and hydraulics are allowed only if they can be achieved without modding. So NOS on Elegy is allowed, but not on your NRG-500 since this can be achieved only by cheating/modding. Empty streets, nice weather, not wanted by police, infinite health and infinite car health are allowed.
  18. Well most people are done, but still no sign from Jace and DC. So I'm guessing they're dropping out then. Now I really hope I'll find enough time to do this, otherwise it'll take longer than Amped2
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