Ah yes, MSN... That's why I have ICQ. But I'll have to get an MSN account. Simply because everybody uses them. But you can't play pool on MSN .
Then try and PM him. Steven isn't here every day, so he either hates you or you'll have to wait.
Oh, The Great Scythe, Photoshop fan, doesn't know how to make an userbar...
Well it seems you've found a tutorial, but imo they aren't standard size. Head over to userbars.com for tuts. You have a good one for Photoshop.
Okay so do this. First make out with a girl. Then make out with a boy.
If you liked the first one, but not the second you're straight!
If it's vice versa, you're gay!
If you liked both, you're bi.
If you didn't like any, you're asexual!
Another helpful guide by [email protected]
Did you forget that he threatens the Iran for having nuclear warheads, when the America has nuclear program for more than 60 years now.
Why are US warheads good and Iranian bad?
The problem is that gtatools.com is down. TGTAP doesn't host TXD workshop, it just provides a link to a TXD workshop on gtatools.com. You'll have to wait until gtatools.com's up again.
Yes, Bush is a big hypocrite. He's always selling some stuff about "a war against terrorism" when he's done more evil than all terrorists altogether.
Simple: fear.
1. Why don't you update your sig with a link to a video?
2. Have you posted the vid on gtastunting.com?
3. Will you be online while on holiday?
4. Congratulations! You've actually finished the project! Now you're allowed to go and get
Oh why wasn't SA community vid this active? You have much more options to stunt in it, unlike the old VC that has been chewed a 100 times?
I guess people like the atmosphere in VC much more...