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Posts posted by steveplayer

  1. I'm Macedonian Orthodox

    I only go to church for easter lol and some other special occasions

    unlike WRX22B1998, i can speak my language, Macedonian, so can my whole family.

    So therefore i can call my self Macedonian

    and i dont wanna hear anyones shit on how Macedonia is Greek ok?


    I think Catholic is abit dumb, i mean popes arent allowed to get married, so then they go and rape lil boys

    well in Australia atleast

    How ever many times you say it or wish it to be true, first there was Greece and then Macedonia became a kingdom within Greece. Therefore Macedonia = Greek. It may be its own country now, but you can't just completely ignore your heritage like that considering how much you go on about it. Also, probably Macedonia's greatest individual was Alexander the Great, or Alexander the III of Macedon. Which according to wikipedia "was an ancient Greek King (basileus) of Macedon (336–323 BC)".

    You obviously don't know much about Catholicism if you believe that. Firstly, there is but ONE Pope at a time, not Popes. Yes they aren't allowed to marry, because they have devoted their lives to the teaching of God. It's not a matter of, "well, I can't have a wife so I'm going to find a young boy and thrust my Holy manhood into him."

    It's Priest's who do this and those who do are in the very vast minority. I can't remember the last time, if any, where I heard an Aussie Priest raping young boys. There may very well be, but I'm saying I can't recall. You usually hear that shit happening in the US or Europe as Slyde said.

    I agree that Christmas has become so materialized that so many people nowadays don't even know what the whole meaning behind it is. I bet if I asked some of the kids I coach today at work what Christmas is really about, they would have no idea :P

  2. Looking forward to it, still have to play WaW though. They could have come up with a better name though, now its like a series within a series. I'm fairly sure they are not going to add futuristic weapons though.

    Yeah a simple title with a number would have made it much simpler and faster to say in conversations. The game itself is actually pretty fun is a nice "change" from CoD4 but you'll find the two quite similar.

    It could just be a running title. You know, one used at this point in time. There is plenty of time for the name to be changed. My guess is they used Modern Warfare 2 so that people can immediately recognize what it will be, instead of COD5 or 6.

  3. The campaign was a bit short, but great non the less. The multiplayer is where it is at right now tbh. Running around in a deathmatch with 60 other people is fucking insane. The ending, seems to me like it left it open for another game, or hopefully, games. The control changes don't bother me, to me they seem better for some reason.

  4. I did a search and couldn't find another topic about it so I figured I'd make one.

    Who here has Resistance 2? What are your thoughts on the game and if you have it do you play online?

    I bought the game last week and am absolutely addicted. This game is awesome. If you played Fall of Man and enjoyed it, you will love R2. The online has lived up to its hype, it truly is awesome to be running around with 60 people in a deathmatch.

    So, for those who do have it and want to get together online, post here with your thoughts of the game and your PSN and I'll edit the OP with the names of us who want to play :)

  5. She is indeed known as a WOLF killer because she sponsors killing wolves in a low flying plane.

    If you can produce to me a picture of her shooting wolves from a low flying plane, or shaking hands with people who partake in such hunting activities, I will concede that argument to you.

    Secondly she always talks about god and how he will help her.

    How does her faith in God helping her make her an over the top Christian...? Most, if not all Christians believe God will help them throughout their lives. In fact, pretty much every religion believes their particular deity(s) will help them throughout their lives...

    If she slaughtered and oppressed innocent people who didn't share her beliefs, then you could call her an over the top Christian. Wouldn't kill you to think a bit....

  6. You can't negotiate with terrorists. It is impossible. What people in the west aren't being told as often as they should be is that the coalition forces are building schools to help educate the young Iraqi children to learn and not become indoctrinated into the terrorist groups. They are also recruiting and training an army/police force of Iraqi people who can keep the terrorists at bay. It takes time to prepare a country to look after itself when all it has basically known is oppression.

    Lets just take a step back and look at this from a different angle, Al-Quadea is now global, not just in Iraq, they may get rid of it in Iraq though looking highly doubtful, with more and more people dieing each year from bomb balsts etc. Al-Qaede is based in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and lots more middle east countries, they will not be ousted out onw.

    Let's take a step back and look at this from a different angle. If the US succeed in getting Iraq up and running so it can fend for itself against these terrorists, then that is one less country that has to be occupied. It won't be easy but the US is taking steps forward in forming an Iraqi army/police force and drilling them in the ways of dealing with these extremists.

    Once Iraq can build its own forces without US involvement they will be a great ally in combating Al Qaeda in that area. The US can then move onto weeding out these abortions of humanity from around the area with Iraq in tow. The majority of Iraqi people like the US soldiers. It shows them that someone cares enough to put their life on the line to save theirs. They want to be free from the terrorists and actually have a life where the soldiers aren't necessary.

    The UK is taking steps to combat Al Qaeda in that area. Australia and a few of the nations around us are doing the same thing, not to mention countries in the Middle East who are combating them also. Al Qaeda is the vast minority in these countries, the key is finding them and obliterating them.

    You actually think that Al Qaeda WON'T ask for more if it sees Obama will lay down and abandon the fight for justice? Once they see that they can bend Obama and the US over the table and talk about "peace" they are going to think they can get away with it which is wrong. They are going to use it as propaganda FOR their cause. Spreading the hate speech with one big difference, the fought the US into submission, they won. It will only give them more confidence.

  7. You can't negotiate with terrorists. It is impossible. What people in the west aren't being told as often as they should be is that the coalition forces are building schools to help educate the young Iraqi children to learn and not become indoctrinated into the terrorist groups. They are also recruiting and training an army/police force of Iraqi people who can keep the terrorists at bay. It takes time to prepare a country to look after itself when all it has basically known is oppression.

  8. Well anyway, it ended, and as expected Obama won, by a fucking lot too. Which, if you look at it, was kinda expected. Only if you watched biased media outlets (like Fox Faux News always backing the Republicans) would you have believed otherwise, in my opinion anyway. I know in some states/counties it was actually really close, but overall, not so.

    In the UK, I watched BBC News' coverage of things, as always, one of the most reputable news agencies in the world if you ask me. Over here there was no Republican bias, it was a lot more fairer, in fact if anything we were leaning towards Obama more often. There were a few things I picked up on when watching the coverage.

    Probably the best thing though was the comment made by one of the presenters on the ineptitude of American media, mainly Fox News. No one likes them. Dunno if any of you guys read digg.com much but yeah, I've seen evidence of a lot of shit Fox News have tried to pull, and god I hope that never happens in the UK.

    Anyway I can't remember who said it, but the comment was "Fox News is NOT good enough. No." - it was good to see that they realise Fox News is far too biased for it's own good.

    With all due respect but are you kidding me? This is the type of crap I was talking about in another topic. This Fox News derangement syndrome which is running rampant through out the world is astounding. "Faux News always backing the Republicans", excuse me, but that is bullshit. Most, if not all, news networks around the world apart from Fox have Obama's cock firmly lodged in their throats and you say Fox is biased? BBC is quite biased itself towards liberals, you even said so yourself that they were leaning for Obama most of the way, and digg.com has been known for banning and chastising Republicans or Conservatives for voicing their opinion whilst letting liberal hate speech and anti-American, anti-conservative propaganda go unmoderated.

    Half the people who work at Fox you can't even tell which Party/candidate they would vote for and the other half openly support both Republicans, and you guessed it, DEMOCRATS. They have created a show with the specific purpose of showing both sides of the argument with a conservative republican host and a liberal democrat host, and before someone brings up Bill O'Reilly, he's a REGISTERED INDEPENDENT.

    Fox News was probably the only network I saw who asked Obama the tough questions aswell as McCain. When that reporter in Florida asked Biden a legitimate question which concerned many Americans he couldn't answer the question straight and immediately after, the Obama camp cut all ties to the station. When A Fox news reporter, I think his name was Major Garret, can't be sure. When he made a mistake in his reporting, the NEXT DAY, he came on television to tell the public, "I'm sorry, I was misinformed and therefore misled the viewers. I apologize and I hope it never happens again" or something to that affect. When a CNN reporter I believe it was, made flat out false allegations against Sarah Palin and found out he was wrong, he couldn't bring himself to apologize to her and not one person from CNN told him he should. I bet CNN aren't liberally biased either...?

    Most people hate Fox because they dare to speak against the Messiah. Fuck Obama. If he and his followers can't handle being asked the same tough questions which they berated McCain/Palin with then they should get the fuck out of the game. Yes, Fox makes mistakes like any other news corporation/station but it isn't a recurring trend of inaccuracies like you are suggesting. I switched between Fox News' coverage and CNN's coverage of the election and let me tell you they were pretty much exactly the same. They both had McCain winning in the beginning until the more NE state polls came in and had Obama at a steady lead from then.

    The ineptitude of American media, it's a great line. It can be used on every newspaper, station, corporation who was firmly planted in the back pocket of the democrats and Obama. The same can be said for the news stations and the like here in Australia and all over the world. Almost every news paper I see here is biased and any inkling of someone speaking out against our "precious" Kevin Rudd or the "messiah" Barack Obama and they get torn a new one left right and center.

    Did you even watch Fox's coverage or just BBC's the whole time? From what it sounds like, you were being fed the same crap by them which you blame Fox for doing, except from the left.

    Absolutely No Offense intended here, just MY opinion as that was yours :)

  9. I've never smoked and never will. I have seen what it can do to people, and it hit fairly close to home when my Grandpa died from emphysema. My Dad smokes and I don't like it. I've told him several times about it, I've brought up the fact that HIS father died from the years he spent smoking. He still does it.

    I'll keep pestering him about it, hopefully plant enough of an idea of how it will effect more people than just him if he gets sick.

    It's a filthy habit, and I'm glad that they stopped smoking in pubs and clubs down here.

  10. A report by an INDEPENDENT group has found that Sarah Palin DID NOT violate any ethical guidelines or whatever in the firing of the trooper. An Independent group. A group run by people not affiliated with Dems or the GOP, and an independently funded investigation.

    There you go. So that "strike against her" was wrongly placed.

  11. I just honestly can't see how McCain will help the US.

    I honestly can't see how Obama will help the US either. His slick talk and fancy words seem to mesmerize people and cloud their judgment on the issues. It is IMPOSSIBLE for Obama to keep all the promises he has made and says he WILL come through on. He says that he won't raise taxes on "middle class" families, if Obama wants to come through on his MASSIVE spending on new programs he will definitely have to raise taxes on these families. BUT, if he actually holds true to this and doesn't tax them he will have to tax the "rich" way more than they already are which will in turn will drastically decrease their spending. Spending which if stopped or even badly decreased will decimate the economy.

    Obama is guilty of lying to the public and running a smear campaign like he says McCain is. Obama constantly and unfairly pairs McCain with Bush. Saying McCain is "lock step" with all of Bush's policies. BULLSHIT. McCain was for the war yes, but was against the way Bush handled it from the start. Clinton cut the capital gains tax from 28% to 20% and Government revenue went up. Bush cut the capital gains tax from 20% to 15% and Government revenue went up. "Goodness, how can that be!? The Messiah says we need to raise taxes on the rich so that he can redistribute their wealth to me and other people who didn't work hard for it." If Obama wants money to redistribute all in the name of fairness, why not use a PROVEN method of bringing money in. If you cut taxes, people spend more. If you raise taxes, people spend less.

    McCain wants to cut taxes. No more needs to be said. Why in all honesty would you tax people MORE when the economy is floundering and you are so close to a recession?

    I hear people saying, "McCain's $5,000 tax credit for people who can't afford to buy their own health insurance. Where does that money come from? Isn't that "spreading the wealth"?" McCain's $5,000 tax credit would be coming from cutting government spending and shrinking the government. Two things Obama is against. He is going to spend more money, greatly adding to the "Trillions of dollars debt" you are all bitching about, and increasing the size of the government. The government, like you all say about Bush's administration, should only be there to keep the country safe and let you do the rest. Obama's health care plan is MANDATORY. If you refuse to pay for something you don't want or can't afford you will be fined : /

    As I've said before, America IS ready for a Black President. BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA IS NOT THAT PERSON. He hasn't released his birth certificate. He hasn't released his Harvard and Columbia school transcripts. There are a lot of things he hasn't come forward with. We don't even know if he WAS born in Hawaii. So how do we know he is who he says he is. How long did it take for Clinton to go back on his promise of not raising taxes? Let's see how long it takes BO...

    McCain has openly answered everything thrown at him and I feel Palin has done extremely well considering the double standards and unfair media character assassinations. McCain spent more time being tortured and brutalized in a POW camp than Obama has in the senate. Only when Obama starting winning primaries/caucuses and became the Presidential nominee did he and his wife say their faith in America was vindicated and they love the country now. How can you in good conscience elect a man who only loves his country when he sees fit.

    What worries me is that if Obama does get in is that he will be assinated by Neo Nazi white supremists.

    It is always a tragedy when someone is assassinated. Lets hope that if it does happen it is painless.

  12. Everyone who is voting for Obama is either living in Hollywood or has been mesmerized by his slick talk and hollow promises. This "95% of Americans will have their taxes cut" is a complete fallacy and equates to pretty much selling a child a box of cancer labeled candy.

    The top 10% of people in the US pay 70% of the tax load. Obama is pandering to people who feel they have nothing and the "evil" rich people should have to pay their fair share. I think picking up 70% of the bill is a little more than a fair share, don't you? Lets not forget that a third, or 1/3 - 33%, of people in America don't pay income tax. The "rich" people in the US are the ones pumping money into the economy, they were the ones who lost most of the money when the market crashed, no doubt regular people lost a lot of money, but the rich investors were the ones who lost a huge bulk of it.

    The rich are the ones who own the small business', factories, corporations etc. If you raise the taxes on these people who own these things, they aren't going to take it out of their own pay check, they are going to cut jobs, raise the prices of their services and make things a whole lot worse for the people in the middle class Obama is pandering too.

    So these poor misguided families who fell for his tax cut, it sounds good on top, just like free candy, are going to be worse off when the prises of everything go up or they in fact lose their jobs.

    History has proven that if you cut taxes government revenues increase. So why increase the tax when you want money so you can "spread the wealth around"? If you tax the rich harder than they already are, they are just going to stop spending money and feeding the economy and begin squirreling it away keeping it from the world and making the economy worse.

    Just because someone speaks well, doesn't mean they are right for the job. America IS ready for a Black President, but Obama is not that person. Obama is a socialist with views comparable to Marxism. Biden was called on this by a reporter in Florida and couldn't answer the question straight, so instead, they just cut all ties to the station :/

    If we have people who are going to be running the "greatest country in the world" who can't handle tough questions and selectively choose which ones to answer, then the world is doomed. If you truly want to call yourselves the greatest country in the world, you can't head down a road of socialism which if unhealed can lead to communism.

    There was this political party back in the day, I think a few of you know of it. The National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi). Keep this in mind everybody, Hitler gave great speeches too....

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