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Posts posted by steveplayer

  1. Which video card is better in terms of performance?
    I'll pick the 4870 over the GTX since it is cheaper



    Sorry Huck, but lol.


    You're the one who constantly brings up the fact you are already over budget. Wouldn't having a relatively cheap rapetastic GFX card appeal to anyone who is straining with the dollars?

  2. Hey I'm curious, is it possible to overclock a laptop's components? Also is it hard and risky?


    Create a new topic for that.

    e.g. "Laptop Overclocking"

    Simple eh? Yes, we do all learn something new everyday.

    Wow you're a tool. :/

    People see a broad topic title like "Overclocking" and think it is a general topic to discuss overclocking (whodathunkit!?) and you are just adding what you want to know about overclocking. Creating new topics seems to be your forte so I can see why you'd go straight to that. More topics doesn't make a better forum when said topics would be redundant if it fell under the heading of a previous topic!

    e.g. "Overclocking" "Laptop Overclocking". Root words being OVERCLOCKING!

    I just had a look at the Computer + Tech page and half the topics on the damn screen are yours. 4 of them overclocking topics. If someone made a "General Overclocking Topic" you could still rape the daily post count stats without having to make separate fucking topics on overclocking!

  3. When Australians make up excuses for losing in sport.

    eg. England beat Australia in the Olympics, on the news i heard them saying "Were the British cheating?. More on that tommorrow".

    and also, once Australia was vursing Ireland in gaylic footbal, and Ireland beat them, and then on the radio i heard,

    "Well the only reason they won is because they are used to it, this is the first time we are vursing anyone in that"

    Like... Seriously, Australians, you suck

    Stop making stupid excuses for losing in Sport.

    By the way AFL is a pussy Australian version of Rugby! Get Over It!

    People who go on about how fucking awesome their heritage country is but have probably never been there, and who have lived in one of the most multicultural and welcoming countries in the world and bitch like this. IF YOU DON"T LIKE THE PLACE FUCK OFF AND GO HAVE A FAP ABOUT SAID HERITAGE COUNTRY!! First of all Gaelic football is a product of Ireland, so of course they are going to be better than everyone else at it. Second, if I remember correctly, the game was pretty fucking close for a team who has never really played the game. Thirdly, AFL is nothing like Rugby. Before you go around making stupid comments, try watching both games and note to yourself the only real similarities are the shape of the ball, and even then the balls are fairly different. [/rant]

  4. It's available on the EU PSN store. So if you have a US, Aus, HK, JP or any other PSN account you will have to create a EU one. That's what I had to do. That being said, after playing the demo, I liked it but I have abit of a gripe with the gameplay.

    It feels laggy to me. I was expecting better character movement but ti feels slow IMO.

  5. With age comes wisdom and knowledge my young apprentice.

    Ohhh, that's why my Grandma got mad about you beating her in a test...... :thumbsup:

    No, that's why your Grandma liked it the other night when I did that thing your Grandad doesn't know about........ :thumbsup:

    Ooo, I thought of another one; Yeah, the AIDS test :hurrhurr:

    See, I can make irrelevant, idiotic posts too.

    What that 'With age comes wisdom and knowledge' post was pointing out was that when you grow up to the point when your balls have finally dropped and you get your big boy hair, from then on you will have more life experience and be able to talk about the stuff in your OP with the 'wisdom and knowledge' to back up your statements.

    Lets see if you take Harwood's advice and ignore the urge to try and reply to this post.

  6. Yeah, I am watching it right this second !! He is doing an awesome speech. :awesome:

    Well yeah, he's a great speaker. But can he hold his word((protip: No president really has yet :rolleyes: ))

    But guess what the good news is!!??!?? 20 cent tacos at Taco Bell today!!! FUCK YEAH SCORE!!!!

    That's exactly what I've been trying to tell everyone...about Obama...not the tacos.

    All he's done so far is what the other 43 have done...become president.

    I didn't like any of our choices for president; the choices are usually shit anyways. So I'm not expecting much from Obama...that way I don't get pissed off like everyone did during Bush's presidency if Obama ends up messing up.

    EDIT: Remember, in almost every movie where there was a black president...the world almost comes to an end. But then again, those are just movies. :P

    Don't forget 24, from what I remember they had 2 or 3 black presidents in a row. (Haven't watched it for ages, so don't hold me to that)

  7. I should be getting myself this game. Whether or not I pre order it is the question :P

    To go down the same track as Don, who here is gettin Tom Clancy's HAWX? This game looks awesome in all the IGN videos. I just hope it isn't like Endwar, where the videos make it look sweet, but the actual game play and graphics are mediocre.

  8. A few questions.

    Did you ever watch the movie?

    Did you ever read the comic books? (Spiderman)

    Did you ever think of yourself as an ass? (because you are)

    Did you ever know that you're being so butthurt right now, I'm literally rolling on the floor laughing?

    Did you ever notice that it's "Nothing in his pockets but knifes and lint" instead of "Nothing in MY pockets but knifes and lint"?

    I've seen the movie, you are not funny.

  9. Looks like a re badged Vista to me. I like that they give you a choice of themes though. It's interesting, I'll keep a look out for it. Thanks for the link, first I've heard of it!

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