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Posts posted by steveplayer

  1. Because Jesus Christ was born as a prophet, savior and the only son of God. He is the Christian Messiah, the Jewish people don't believe their Messiah has come yet. The Jewish people believe in Jesus, believe he did great things and was a Holy, spiritual person, but that he wasn't their Savior and are still awaiting their own.

    Also, to the few of you posting in this topic who don't believe in a deity(s). Please, stop referring to someone's God as "The Invisible Man" as it is offensive. You may not believe in God or think Religion is stupid but don't belittle someone's faith because you can't comprehend why someone would put their faith in a higher power.

    Edit: This topic has gotten way off track. It was about the large particle accelerator and the possible scientific discoveries there after. If I'm not mistaken there is a Religion/Beliefs topic already...

    Technically, "the invisible man" is not offensive rather the truth. If the truth was 1+1=2, then it wouldn't be offensive to call 1+1=3 bullshit.

    You can't be offensive if it is not actually real. Please don't make me argue how it all ain't real. Unless providing proven evidence don't bother posting.

    Take your own advice. Unless you can provide to me proven evidence that God doesn't exist than don't bother posting yourself. "The Invisible Man" is offensive to people who have faith. Don't bring up the over used argument you've been regurgitating about, "Science has proved the Earth is older than 5 000 years old, therefore God is fake." The Bible, more so the Old Testament, is a series of stories explaining the divinity and power of God. Taking it literally is like believing wolves can really wear your Nan's clothes and use seductive measures to try to eat you.

    I believe in God, in a higher power. I believe in all the science stuff also. Have any of you "Religion bashers" sat down without your cynicism and thought, "Science may be the answer to how we are here but not why? That's my view on everything. Supposedly the Big Bang is how everything started. But before then, there was absolute nothing. How can an explosion appear from nothing without something or someone to give it a hand?

    Lets bring the argument back a bit closer to our solar system. You're telling me that "it's just one of those things" that Earth is like it is? That there couldn't have been a higher power behind it all seeing as Earth is the perfect distance away from the sun. Isn't too hot or too cold, perfect conditions to sustain life, while every other planetary body in the system is pretty much uninhabitable (for now).

    Don't bring up the argument of "If God is real, why does he sit around watching the world go the way it is". God isn't intervening because, as has been said before, our lives on Earth are a test of our faith and humanity. It's a test to see if we can have faith through all the shit that's going on and still persevere through the tough times. God watching us and doing nothing, the same argument you use could be put on ourselves. Wildlife documentary filmmakers, those Animal lovers are the same as you're cynical view on God. They love animals, as God loves us, but they sit there on their thumbs whilst watching innocent animals being slaughtered by one another. Watching innocent gazelle being orphaned in front of their eyes and they do nothing.

    Toonskull has said it best. I can't convince you or prove to you that God exists, but you can't prove to me he doesn't. To be definitively sure God doesn't exist you yourself would have to be God, the Atheistic paradox.

  2. Because Jesus Christ was born as a prophet, savior and the only son of God. He is the Christian Messiah, the Jewish people don't believe their Messiah has come yet. The Jewish people believe in Jesus, believe he did great things and was a Holy, spiritual person, but that he wasn't their Savior and are still awaiting their own.

    Also, to the few of you posting in this topic who don't believe in a deity(s). Please, stop referring to someone's God as "The Invisible Man" as it is offensive. You may not believe in God or think Religion is stupid but don't belittle someone's faith because you can't comprehend why someone would put their faith in a higher power.

    Edit: This topic has gotten way off track. It was about the large particle accelerator and the possible scientific discoveries there after. If I'm not mistaken there is a Religion/Beliefs topic already...

  3. Regardless of your mother being ridiculous (unless you're some crazy kid taking notes from the show to help plan take over the world), It's not like we can actually do anything about it. Remind me why this is a topic again?

    + 1 post count?

    You may not like what your mother is doing to your televisual life at the moment but if this is honestly the worst thing happening in your life at the moment then consider yourself damn lucky!

    I can't see what's wrong with Future weapons, I watch it occasionally, but obviously your mother can. So either stream it on the net, go to a friends place and watch it there or suck it up and not make pointless topics.

  4. LOL yeah, but that's what the award was titled :P

    I had no idea that there were non-human females working for the video game industry.

    But like they say, "You learn something new every day." :hurrhurr:

    I guess they just wanted to ensure the "slower" people would know that she was human :D

  5. Sorry I should have elaborated :P

    Spike TV Video Game Awards 2008 gave GTA IV game of the year. I am a loyal fan of IGN but I think they are giving their opinion and not actually handing out an award. I'm not saying I'm against IGN and their opinion of MGS4, far from it. Atleast at the Spike awards Debi Mae West Won Best Performance by a Human Female for "Meryl Silverburgh" in MGS4 :)

  6. "Man flu" Says it all really.

    Also I would like to see a man squeeze something the size of melon out of his arse and not complain <_<

    I would like to see a woman doing it without complaining aswell :P

    I've seen woman carpenters who are better than a lot of male ones. A lot of times in jobs like this they use team work for lifting heavy objects, and if there is no one around to help a someone who may not be able to lift the object alone, there is plenty of work around that needs to be done until someone is free to help.

    But when a woman is denied a generally male job she wants because she physically can't do the job due to things such as size, strength, endurance, safety issues etc. and cries foul and sexism, that to me is wrong. If there is a safety issue involved and employing them would put that person and others in danger, then they have no right to complain. Yes it may sting a bit not getting that job you want, but it's better to deny someone a job so that others or the person wanting the job can avoid being seriously injured.

    This doesn't just apply to women, it can apply to everyone, but this was bringing up the sexism card.

  7. They have big muscles and short term strong muscle power but this to the detriment of the bodies natural muscle tone, they also nutritionly weak. So no body builders are not strong of any gender, unless they are on steriods of course :hurrhurr:

    You are right but have the wrong group of people :P

    V V

    Body builders and muscle builders are different things. Body builders tend to try and build strength and body tone, through both intensive excersize and good nutrition. Muscle builders aim to look as big as possible, they take massages that rip muscle tissue open, causing muscle to build in it's place, which increase muscle size. People like this twat.

    What pisses me off the most in GTA IV is when playing online and your connection drops out the game assumes you have been kicked :/ I can't count how many times my mate and I have been mucking around in Free Mode and one of our connections drops out, and when we try to invite again it says you can't join a game you've been kicked from :pissedred:

    That needs to be fixed or the next game but I would also like a patch for IV because it is REALLY getting old now!

  8. I would hate to see a body builder woman just because they do scare me, like all other body builders. Any way a body builder of any gender couldnt take on police, they are very weak.

    I wouldnt like first person view, just because I get travel sick and first person makes me feel ill.

    I would love to see it set in Australia too, I would like them to keep diving in the new one, including all the fish as I really liked that in SA. It would be great to go diving in the Great Barrier Reef.

    I would like to see more buildings you can access. I like exploring :)

    I have to disagree with you there. Bodybuilders are quite strong, it is when they are at contests and have starved themselves for about a week that they are weak.

    Australia would be a fun place for a GTA but it wouldn't feel the same to me. GTA to me is an American thing and should stay that way. But my biggest wish for the next GTA would be to have it set in Vice city. But this Vice city is redone like Liberty city was redone for 4. Make Vice look very much like Miami with a huge map and LOTS of mission, ones which aren't repetitive :P

  9. IMO, fools can't read.

    That stated that the development process was going to be transformed into a 2 - year process. Higher game quality, reduced workload, etc. The website claimed that it was going to be cut, and provided a quote (presumably to try and prove it) that said nothing of the sort.

    Also, Mcrae and Macrae aren't the same people. One is a legendary Scottinsh racing driver (RIP), the other is likely just an americunt.

    NFS series ended at Underground 2. Everything after that was just shit.


    Is that even possible for EA to do? A 2 year process? They seem to spit games out like, well... spit!

  10. Instead of "Most Active Member", have "Most Visible Member" for someone that it seen throughout the entire forum, talking about lots of different things, and helping people in loads of different places.

    In addition to "Most Intelligent" perhaps have the "Best Debater" or similar, for member who contributes best to serious/religious/political discussions etc in Serious Chat. That's a very positive award that would encourage people to debate well, rather than just have lots of userbars in their signatures.

    Thomas' idea of "Best English" is sort of a good point - the person that writes with the best English rather than what you'd expect from SMS/IM, again encouraging members to work harder and try and gain this award.

    I think you have a LOT of Most Knowledgeable (GTA) awards. Are we still going to have one for GTA III every year forever? Perhaps we could start merging the old/shit ones, so: GTAIII/VC, LCS/VCS, SA, IV.

    Hottest member doesn't show up in your list?

    Perhaps add Best Stunter (IV), but I'm not sure if there has been that much activity there yet. All the more reason for it to be an award, I suppose.

    There is nothing in that post I don't agree with :P

    @ Rainbow Bear: I like Polar bears, but have you seen Knut. The last time I saw a picture of him he was more greyish than white. That dude needs a bath :hurrhurr:

  11. I have had my PS3 for almost a year, and I have three games and just it for a DVD player. I do regret buying it, seems like a waste of money to me now. Im stuck on all three games which are Harry Potter, GTA 4 and Lost. Is there any other PS3 games anyone would recommend? I need to play it instead of use it as a DVD player. I like free roaming games, so any suggestions :)

    Assassin's Creed. Very good game, I should go back to it :P

    Every time I go to play a game for the 30 minutes of free time I have, there's a fucking update that I have to get. This shit is starting to really piss me off. You should be able to play single player without having to get these damn updates.

    You could always sign out of the PSN, unplug your ethernet connection or switch of your wireless connection (which ever one you have). If it doesn't have a connection to the internet, it won't try to update.

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