POL: Nie, nie jestem normalny. Nie wiem czemu pytasz ale ja chyba teraz bede jakimś pierdolą.
ENG: No. I'm not normal. I don't know why you asked but now I will be some retard.
The sigs I make are 362x162 unless you want me to use the standard template iof the official DS sig.
My 362x162 Sig:
DS Sig template modified:
I also do Animations:
And if you need some, just post in here.
(I believe it's a character from Shogun or w/e. I ARE STUPID!)
BTW, I made another avatar but I like my current one more.
Ava: 5/10 (Could be better)
Sig: 7/10 (HUGE Improvement)
Pers: Much better then before.