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Everything posted by Oskar

  1. STFU, lol and you meant that I cant tak up that you said that i fail at trying not to fail
  2. Don't laff... I got a 74.5GB Hard Drive ( I SAID DON'T LAFF! ) 20GB from Microsoft shits. 50GB on Games. 2GB Moosic
  3. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/382178/sadda...e_unseen_video/ Lol...
  4. Ava: 4/5 Pixelated boobies. Sig: 1/5 OMGWTFTEXT Pers: I dunno really...
  5. Sig: 4/10 Ava: 8/10 Pers: Doesn't like staff and starts fights with everyone.
  6. Too bad I bought the two Shotguns and the Kruger.
  7. Throw the truck to the side. Rack up like 100$ and then bu the bet card you can buy for that.
  8. I love Chris, he told me about Zune and the Alan Wake screenie.
  9. Hmm, you need a new graphic card. What's your budget and where do you live so I can do some research and give you the best card for the budget.
  10. Happened to me something similar. The people were working around in my area and they burst a pipe and they didn't tell us, 4 hours later they came to tell us. the toilet stank. Then two days later our water was back up.
  11. Yes, no wonder. You need a new and better graphic card.
  12. ^ WTF are you babbling? < Cake V Pie
  13. Put the settings to the lowest. For graphic card follow these steps. 1) Go to your desktop 2) Right click on a blank space. 3) Click on Settings. 4) Copy the details, for mine it is NVIDIA GeForce 73000GS
  14. My sister, then divorce. Would you prefer to dildo yourself and bleed or get a boy to dildo you
  15. Graphic card? OR Change your settings.
  16. Wheelman, that would be a Glock.
  17. ( The twhite thing is a Owl, pronounced Oul. )
  18. Ava: 1/5 Sig: 2/5, eh? Pers: Likes to eat Chili in Chile
  19. But then Evan wakes up and cries.
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