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Everything posted by Oskar

  1. yeah but I have two more, one 17 and one 18. The 17 year old one has lots of pics, too.
  2. You have a sister to? TGTAP, suprises you everyday. Anyway Ow, and someone saying your sis is hot is always better then someone saying she's effin ugly. I wish I had a bro or sis. *feels lonely* Are you talking about more pics of my sis? She stuffs the whole memory of my dads computer with it. She has like 200 pics (no not newds). So there is no problem with me uploading some or sending through MSN.
  3. Chris is a fag to me: And SEE!? But then, read this:
  4. Topic title says all. I'll start. Polish: Jak sie masz, chcem żebyś umarł w piekle. Translation: Yakshemash, I want you to die in hell. (lol, Jak sie masz actually means how are you)
  5. Oskar

    VC Fraps

    Dude, isn't that warez? I swear your supposed to pay for FRAPs to download it, I know I didn't but oh well.
  6. ... so yeah, make sure to stick around for a few years, then take another pic like that... move camera a little more to the left... I hate you. >> << >< Whoa, I just pictureized myself in that position.
  7. I'm still the youngest, wooh! Me dreaming about playing GTA 4 and yes, My sister is a slut.
  8. Your Love Type: ENFP The Inspirer In love, you are passionate and eager to develop a strong bond. For you, sex should be playful, creative, and affectionate. Overall, you are perceptive and bring out the best in your partner. However, you tend to hold on to bad relationships after they've turned bad. Best matches: INTJ and INFJ What's Your Love Type? http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyourdatingtypequiz/
  9. And then the Doctors granted Evan with children, $1 000 000 and a husband wife.
  10. But then in the Big Mac, he saw worms and raw meat.
  11. Shut the f*** up, that wasn't necessary.
  12. I'd hope to land on a Aeroplane. WWYDI a raving Rabbid knocked on your door?
  13. I'd destroy the virus. I'm chargin mah lazahs! WWYDI you was suddenly in hell?
  14. I would be confused like f***. WWYDI you was a tramp?
  15. Rap, Techno (Especially Fag Shrek), R&b, Hip Hoppity hop, and other trash. Metal FTW.
  16. It's always ME ME ME with you. 2003, you would shit your pants and run off, not walk up to them and ask them if they were hungry. I think they are real, no wait. I believe they are real and no-one can do shit about it. Nor can my mummy.
  17. Guess what? War. Explosions make it worse and what else, the rotting corpses. P.S. If you look in the bible, it states that the world is only 4000 years old. Also, if you use CO14 or w/e to measure time, it gives a really inaccurate result. Reason: There was a mine that was closed for 162 years, everyone knew that. It got re-opened. It had crystals and everything, and when they measured it with CO14 or CO12 (I forgot) it showed a couple of million years.
  18. LOL. Spartans are a elite greek force. Learn before you speak.
  19. Site is here.
  20. I live in England but I was born in Poland, 100% Polish FTW!
  21. Where's the No button? (again)
  22. I have all 5 issues, I can upload em.
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