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Everything posted by rockstarrem

  1. Meant to confuse me? Lawl. I don't know kinda feel like shit, skipped school today etc.

  2. I would really say just.. indie, or normal. No offence dude, but if you're scene, I'm straight up gangster And I'm a muthafuckin' pimp biatch.
  3. Really have no idea what group I'd fit into. I guess my friend that's most like me wouldn't be put into a social group either, so let's say "other".
  4. Sorry I needed to bump this, I actually lol'd when I opened the topic and looked at the specs no offense dude.

  6. I am only 14 almost 15 but I think my brother's friend has the creepiest love life. He is dating a girl in Mississippi over the internet and cellphone. If it wasn't for the cellphone part I'd think it was some 35 year old man pretending to be a teenage girl. It is like they have a contest to see who can say "I love you." back and forth on the same call. Yuck!! I know that clinical psychologists will tell you that the real term for love should you replace it is, "I have a physical and emotional need for you to be with me and you complete the emptiness in my life." But it is a lot easier to just say "I love you.". Don't be too quick to push them away just because they say "I love you." ask them if they really understand what they are saying? But yes I find a lot of overt mush is uncalled for in any relationship. Kind of like listening to Barney the Dinosaur sing "I Love You" 50 times in a row. I Evol You! ToonSkull Kinda lol'd thinking Sherman would read this actually and look he did!
  7. I did put the thanks... look under my sig.

  8. lol You should've put *Thanks Thomas for the sig* or just "Thanks to Thomas for the sig" instead of "Thanks thomas for the sig".

    LOLWUT? They all mean exactly the same thing.

    I'll change it if you want.

  9. If you want to work on a relationship and are active all day on a forum then yeah . I'm on my computer all day anyway.
  10. At first I was like "oh well maybe your 18 having sex etc", you were born on the exact same fucking day and year as me. Rofl. PROTIP: If you want a relationship don't dedicate yourself to a forum .
  11. I didn't notice anything offensive in it but I wasn't really looking for anything offensive.
  12. I just quick searched it in Google... IJ's didn't start MTA until GTA III came out and I'm pretty sure he didn't backtrack and would want to sync GTA 2. These will probably be shit but here's a blog with a few: http://gtamp.com/gta2/
  13. I actually just got back into GTA IV. The freeroam isn't as bad as I originally thought, loving it now. Fucking physics are amazing.
  14. Chris is actually selling the website for $100 million if your interested.
  15. Yeah, I never go either I just got it for Christmas on DVD cause I loved it in the movies. Movies only stay in cinemas for like a month anyway.
  16. It's not in the theaters anymore I have it on DVD. At least in America.
  17. Watch "The Dark Knight" and stop being so serious!
  18. I lol'd just cause it seemed like you had no idea what you were doing but then towards the middle i saw what u did thar
  19. So I'm suppose to not hate it because it sells so good? That money isn't going into MY pocket. You sir, are a fucking idiot. Counterstrike is a mod for half-life, when you install Counterstrike you get Half life as well, are you fucking retarded? And whats so hate-worthy about being a Counter-terroist with an never-ending arsenal of Machine guns and Grenades, or being a terroist shooting hostages? Funny, I don't recall Half Life COMING with CS. Also, I very well understand it's a mod of Half Life.... Again, is this suppose to make me like it? And what is your point, really? That I could buy Counter-Strike and then just play Half-Life, therefore I don't have to hate Half-Life? You really aren't making any sense. I hate the game because: A. It's way too basic IMO. B. The people who play it((also a reason why I don't like Halo)). C. Valve has rubbed their dick all over it acting like it's their creation when it isn't. Hell, people ignore Half-Life in response to Counter-Strike and that's bullshit. First bold: no, I don't care if you like it to be honest . Also lol @ the kid who said its a mod for Half Life, it just runs on the same engine and comes with most Half Life packages. Second bold: That's pretty fucking generalized, a while back I remember when there was a shit load of annoying kids playing the game but it has changed a shit load since then.
  20. That would still be ridiculously hard for me. If I was with one of my friends it would actually be easier.
  21. LOL. But to be honest they usually let me do it anywhere. Not like in the middle of the street but if the tire is touching the alley and the car is mostly on the road/sidewalk then yeah.
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