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Everything posted by rockstarrem

  1. No SA-MP won't conflict, that's completely fine, at least it was for me. You told me in game last night that you could see a mod you put in or something and how cool it was.

  2. Just PM me if you're having problems with getting your unmodified version of SA to work with MTA.

  3. I customized my uncles from HP and got a really good deal. Total: $1137.99 with Verizon Wireless employee discount.
  4. You can't use Window's drive manager? Start > (Right Click) Computer > Manage > Disk Management Wait for it to load then right click on your Vista partition and choose "Expand" or whatever and it should add the space back. Works for me anyway but I haven't tried it with Windows 7, not sure how that could affect it.
  5. A friend uses http://www.invisionplus.net/ but their forum creation tool has been down for a while now, I wouldn't count on it being up anytime soon.
  6. You should put an "unbiased" option, which is what I'd choose.
  7. I noticed, a long time ago. I was actually excited to see there was another Max Payne fan in the community that still plays the games, or is still at least interested.

  8. Can't you edit the HTML of your Piczo site or w/e, I don't even know what that is.
  9. - How many times have you had the RRoD? - 3 or 4, I'm on my 4th or 5th 360 now, I got the replacement plan and I always renew it. $50 and you just bring it into the store. - How long do you play on your Xbox 360? - MAYBE an hour a week. Depends though. - How long do you wait for to get your 360 back? What? - What do you have as a back up for bordem? Masturbate. - Does the RRoD make you wanna buy a PS3 or a Wii? No. But I still kinda want a PS3 and Wii though. - What games do you usually play on your 360? GTA IV and that's really it. If my friends over he likes Gears of War. - What do you do to cool down your 360? It never gets hot. - Is your Xbox 360 placed Vertically or Horizontally? Horizontal. - What is the longest period you have had your 360 without RRoD? It's been a while now, maybe last April?
  10. This topic sort of failed but same rules apply. Contribute if you'd like: http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17858
  11. He obviously won't dissapoint. And yes Brotha you can update this topic as much as you want, not against the rules or anything so no one minds, I'd rather you did because this seems interesting. Keep us updated!
  12. There's some hope for PC owners as Microsoft makes Windows. I think it will only be for 360 but maybe a year after it's released it will be announced for PC. They'll probably pull something like that yeah.
  13. Yep, been planning it all for a year. I own PayneKillers.com and have a lot of content done already. I'm hiring Chris to do the website design for me, shouldn't take too long but he needs to do some other projects first.

  14. Didn't make it man, but the guy who did owes me so I don't need to give him credit ha :P.

  15. Didn't make it man, but the guy who did owes me so I don't need to give him credit ha :P.

  16. Gotta agree with everyone above. That's one method of finding the cure of Autism I believe so I'm obviously biased towards it.
  17. While I'm completely un biased about religion now, everyone living in America has to realize that the country was brought up with Christianity. Which basically means, at least in my opinion, favor the Christians more. In recent years that's obviously changed.
  18. In Vista I believe you right click the drive, click Format, make sure it's the FAT file system.
  19. There's some hope for PC owners as Microsoft makes Windows.
  20. I liked R* Watch's but ours is definitely second in line.
  21. I agree with Chris on the private stuff private, they're starting to scare me with offering to log all of the websites you go to and display them publicly in a toolbar. If it was completely hacker safe and some fat guy working at Google wasn't looking through my shit then I'd be thrilled.
  22. In my opinion that's pretty awesome. So no.
  23. Happy birthday. I don't know you but you're name is awesome .
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