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Everything posted by rockstarrem

  1. SA-MP fucks up when you task switch, to stop it from doing that go to the "Brief" menu and then hit the Windows Key, don't alt tab, your cat was being nice he just thought you were in the brief menu.
  2. When I signed up I don't think I needed to enter an age, if I did I would of obviously put my dads since it's on his credit card and I usually do that with all the other websites I go to. I will until I'm 18.
  3. I was beating Max Payne for like my 15th time now and decided to finally make a few videos. If your not into spoilers then don't watch them. I'll add spoiler tags before the videos and shit though. http://www.youtube.com/user/rockstarrem Die bitch. Die. - Max Payne Ending Max Payne Lulz - Max Realizes Who He Truly Is In one of Max's nightmares he realizes who he truly is. Max Payne Plays The Piano - A Pit Stop Max Payne looks around and sees if anyone is looking, plays the notes he needs and then moves on. Max Payne Kills Himself - He Feels Guilty In a Nightmare Yeah, he kills himself. That's all I've got for now. Will have more Max Payne 1 and 2 videos soon. Tell me what you think! Comment here and on YouTube.
  4. Lol when Sherman and I were playing the other day we were at the Los Santos pier and I landed that plane in the ocean and uhh it went straight into the pier and it blew up. I said "not as good as that Hudson pilot guy but not bad eh?"
  5. Sorry but we can't give you those audio files, it seems as if you didn't install the full installation. Next time reinstall with full installation then use the downgrader EXE. Giving you the streams would be illegal I believe.
  6. Didn't know, sorry. I probably even said that myself. Alright, err question... what vehicle is used to own that guy in Deconstruction? There are two possible answers.
  7. Haha. Not to mention the deep fryer and Newport dispenser..... x2
  8. Did you try hard refreshing yet? Ctrl + F5 as TM said.
  9. Lol ok. But yeah I just added a new one.

  10. :/ when are you gonna come on?

  11. Lol yes, did you just realize that now? :P Gonna update it now actually, found one from that same week.

  12. I suggest we do too because as far as I can see the respected members of the community say this is bullshit. I'm closing this until you PM me solid proof, which you have none.
  13. I think the cell phone will probably be of use, but I don't know.
  14. Will there be a physical copy released or will you need to download it through Xbox Live?
  15. Am I hearing AWESOME MTA Server Nights? bool engineImportTXD ( txd texture, int model_id )
  16. In most cases it is impossible, but read his posts below. Chris, You are so, so right. EDIT: WOW. andrew919 joined in '06, he was like about 7 years old!! math is complicated
  17. Thomas no offense dude but he was being sarcastic .
  18. Rofl, nice. We'll switch it on and off in the MTA server. It's a TXD/DFF right?
  19. I don't know why you just didn't post the link but here's the video: Isn't the Manchez in the game anyway... I thought I found it in Shoreside.
  20. Better then mine http://www.youtube.com/user/rockstarrem
  21. I personally just use YouTube to upload the multiplayer videos and shit that I need to share.
  22. Rofl. That's awesome. Better install an A-V .
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