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Everything posted by rockstarrem

  1. As I said before, your name doesn't bother me, people use the word "Spaz" all the time, it's just part of people's vocabulary. If someone had the name "RETARD" then I wouldn't get mad, EVERYONE says retard now, but if someone was like "I LAFF AT RETARDS CUZ THEY MAKE FUNNY NOISES LOL!" then yeah I'd be pissed off. Do you see where I'm coming from...? Words are part of peoples vocabulary, I've become used to it, you can't change it. I don't use the words personally, but yeah. I USED to fucking hate it when people used the word retarded, it pissed me off so much. You probably remember that. But yeah, I've grown used to it.
  2. I really don't mind your name, because that is also part of peoples vocabulary. Not really sure why you needed to bring it up though.
  3. Retarded. And yeah, obviously you think it's just another word. I'm not saying this directly to you, but ignorance these days with this type of stuff is ridiculous. Being retarded is a mental illness. You didn't know that?
  4. I'm by far not anything near politically correct. The only reason why the slang word "retard" doesn't bother me is because it's part of everybody's vocabulary today. I can't stop that, so I won't. People calling other people retarded has been going on for years now, and theres nothing I can do to change it. That's why I don't mind it. Do I like it? Of course not. Do I really care anymore? No. It just happens. When your getting more into the genetics and shit it's different. Maybe I misinterpreted what he was saying.
  5. You guys gotta exit all applications and shit.
  6. I seriously NEVER thought I'd see the fucking day. I don't notice any performance drops in Classic Mode, you know, the old Windows 2000 look, but when I'm in Aero I notice it, but I have a Radeon X1300.
  7. "Retard" is slang for "retarded", calling someone a retard, etc. In this situation he IS making fun of the IQ, if he discusses the IQ I don't give a shit, in fact, if he just said "retard" I wouldn't care, but when you're talking about "retard" and IQ jokingly I just find it wrong. I wasn't talking to you when I said that stuff by the way, sorry if it seemed that way.
  8. I'm not slightly feminine but I take long showers... not sure what you meant , but yeah I don't want to know what my family does in the shower.
  9. I watch animals having sex, I don't get turned on by it but I lol so hard at it. I saw this one with a Camel in like India, a bunch of the India people were standing in a circle observing it. Rofl. Mhmm.
  10. OH SHI- is that also the reason you respect me? Obviously dude.
  11. Dom is 33% gay Loosen up my straight mate! These days women like a softer edge to grab onto. Rofl. Taking a sexpert test now: http://www.channel4.com/health/microsites/S/sexpert/
  12. I still respect you a shit load because you're a pervert.
  13. ORLY? So they just randomly split in half and create identical clones of themselves? Seriously, call fucking nasa. ROFL, <3 I guess I'm a pervert then too.
  14. Yeah the ending of GTA IV actually affected me emotionally for a couple of days . Seriously.
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