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Everything posted by rockstarrem

  1. So sound isn't working on cars? Or?
  2. Isn't there a problem with png's in IE?
  3. Lol, I'm tripping on my new meds right now, reading this topic owns.
  4. "Retard" is still an insult, but "retarded" isn't.
  5. It's really easy, all you do is use the quick select tool and click on the white spots or where ever you need. It's one of the most useful tools in Photoshop IMO.
  6. Thomas, where did you get those awesome effects?
  7. Really have no fucking clue why you guys are attacking a guy for bringing up a topic.
  8. He doesn't give it out because people are like "OMG PLZ LEMME BE MOD I HELPED OUT AT THIS FREE FORUM AND SHIT SITE AT FREEWEBZ N IM RLY GOOD @ WUT I DO."

  9. Yeah, that must be it actually. Good listening.
  10. I was wondering the same exact thing, it's not the phone we have at the end of the game right? Anyone get 100%? Do you get it or something?
  11. I think it was you who asked for it to be transparent in the white spots? Here you go.
  12. That looks fucking unbelievable, can't wait for it to be done.
  13. Revolution Deathsquad - Dragonforce I love this band. I just started listening to them like 15 minutes ago .
  14. Do point out where he said your name.
  15. I thought most of the stations suck, but I like Liberty Rock and the Jazz one.
  16. I like the old rap music, I mean like Eminem and 50 Cent's first CD. That's it.
  17. You can find any game list on that website. http://game-monitor.com/
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