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Everything posted by rockstarrem

  1. Okay guys, pics uploaded. http://www.flickr.com/photos/26019649@N03/
  2. Yes, unofficial one's could be just our gangs set up "officially" by us only. I don't see the trouble with just doing this, as the staff of TGTAP won't be involved with any hard organization.
  3. Why do you guys just drool over her? She is not that hot. She is pretty, but not that hot. No, Kristan Holt, oh my god, she is a totally different story man. She is the host of the Cheat! section of the show. I don't "drool" over her I just think she's hot. And yes I would drill that girl too, harder.
  4. Yeah I don't see why we can't have our own separate gangs in the forums and have one big one that all of our members join in. That works the best IMO.
  5. Yeah man no problem. You're on the reservation list for our gang so once you meet the requirements apply for the gang in the gang system.

  6. I'm pretty sure it did and he's just getting the game. No crime in that .
  7. ...Christmas? That my friend, sucks. BTW Charger other people are? Don't have to be sarcastic like you're the best member.
  8. I watched that X-Play special and I have to say what a waste of fucking time. The only good part was hearing what the critics though and what Kakuza or whatever the fuck that gaming website is thought. They had a commercial every five minutes and they all lasted for 60 seconds. The "Cheat" part of it was actually not that bad IMO, they gave you a tip where you can hang up, accept the social invitation and then call them back and cancel without losing any friendship status (I think). I saw the special edition box for the 360 on there too, was really pleased. Oh yeah, I would fuck the fuck out of that girl on there. Morgan I think?
  9. Midnight dude, it's just the feel of being there...
  10. Alright guys, the room's almost set, I've got my rocking chair and 5.1 surround sound all set up, my accessories shelf and a shelf that's ONLY for GTA IV related items. I will take photos soon once everything is completely done, I'm still working on these things. If you think I'm taking this too seriously you're obviously not the biggest GTA fan.
  11. Gonna shut down my PC and clean the desk, will be on soon.
  12. What are you doing to prepare for GTA IV? I have my Xbox 360 controller charging and am cleaning my room right now, will post though, just gonna have to stand. You guys? BTW I'll post a pic of where I'll be playing after it's done .
  13. You're a cocksucker, being all cool and sending stuff to Rockstar, and them saying you're name. You must be all like "OMG ROCKSTAR GUY SED MAI NAME". Anyway, that's awesome.
  14. What do you mean ''another day''? You mean 6 1/2 hours. It's the same where I live. Not midnight release?
  15. b&. I buy my music but it's very grey, http://mp3sale.ru
  16. In most religions that's actually not true, God can sometimes come to the rescue. BTW I'd like to say I believe but I can't bring myself to it yet... really want too though.
  17. It's 5:35 here... so like, another day.
  18. TV channel, but they might stream it. Thanks for reminding me btw .
  19. Usually is a good word. BTW did you block me or something on MSN for like a year?
  20. Shit happened to me. Very corrupt.
  21. Completely agree. They should have it by different time zones.
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