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Everything posted by person123

  1. i used 3d studio max and photoshop rate to your hearts content
  2. i dont laugh at people i laugh with people
  3. not that i mean a mod needs to move this to gta disscusion you crack me up
  4. ROTFLMAO!! it a male reproductive organ..... .....TO THE MAX
  5. wrong forum man...dont worry youl get the hang of it just take peoples advice and youlll do good TO THE MAX!!
  6. damn freeloaders they should just buy the game themselvs (downloads more music)
  7. meh 4/10 its juat a bunch of cropped images and text, sorry.....TO THE MAX!!
  8. TO THE MAX!!!!!TO THE 10th POWER TIMES 42 SUBTRACT 5 THEN ADD ONE BILLION!!! havent seen isane in while WELCOME BACK!!!..... TO THE MAX!!
  9. i think your thinking too much about it just relax and enjoy the fun sonner or later you'll find the hidden packages
  10. eh i wonder in the co-op mode you can do whatever you want
  11. hey insane whats up TO THE MAX!!
  12. dont buy anything its all useless TO THE MAX!!!
  13. alrght they finally got some cool cars that orange on kinda lokks like a skyline
  14. i oerfer the left analog stick its more accurate for me
  15. someone else vote for me i dont wanna look like a loser
  16. i would like to meet person123 he soooo cool but really probably corporate nothing
  17. wut up cartman i havent seen you in along time. im from texas too REPRESENT
  18. hi switch (watches post count go up for small post)
  19. that rocks i wish i could get free stuff too
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