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Everything posted by person123

  1. you could change the text then it would look good 7.5/10 its better than the first one
  2. mc hammer~cant touch this not really RUFiO~save the world
  3. didnt you post this somewhere else?
  4. it good but i dont like the blurry bg
  5. but it wont be that useful till the stuff in the real shop is all bought
  6. its cool you should put a black boarder around it to make it look better 6.5/10
  7. hey man nice how do you put those cool numbers and stuff on it it makes it look hihg tech 9/10
  8. they cost 10k i guess ill just have to get high score on all the arcade games
  9. damn the user shops cost alot its gonna take me forever to get one
  10. that always happens to me its beause the game thinks the car is running over tommy when it looks like it isnt
  11. well they are a gang i guess it glitched and the game gave them guns
  12. well then do you know a host that has all that stuff so i could sign up
  13. so if i give you $500 you will setup an invision power board and i dont need to do anything or do i need to get the host myself
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