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Everything posted by person123

  1. ill be lucky if i get passed high school if i do go to college ill go to the university of texas el paso its right in my city
  2. i say keep the poker game i like it
  3. it good a little too blurry 7/10
  4. ill tell you what looked fruity there original logo it has all the colors of the rainbow
  5. its cool but you should take of that texture that looks like cracks
  6. damni wish i had the money to pre-order it
  7. your all backwards lol. my board is all fucked up my tail is like 3 inches long and my nose is like 1 inch long how do you boards look
  8. i dont know how long i could manual but i can go pretty far i learned how to manual before i learned how to ollie
  9. the fear was spazmod so he got banned
  10. i did that all last week i just practiced and practiced and out of like 20 trys i can maybe land it 17 then ill get bored and stop trying so hard and the rest will be failed
  11. i cant do a nollie heelflip but i can do a nollieflip
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