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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. No, we will continue here. At least here it's game related. Then we will use your topic for stuff about video cards that support DX10, k. Edit: and you don't download DX10, you buy Vista with a 300 EUR graphic card at the minimum (that's the 8800 GTS 320MB). BTW, it would be stupid to upgrade now. No game supports it yet, the price is going to fall on April the 22nd and there isn't any good driver support yet.
  2. That's like saying we are apes...
  3. That's not called help, or even attempt to help. Ceekay, I don't know how to make that, either do most of us here. But there are lot's of weapon packages that include weapons simmilar to that one (not the same though, but simmilar). Link to our hosted weapons. And you might want to look through this arsenal of weapons. It's German, but they have got loads of mods.
  4. You're saying that to someone who thinks the Wii pwns all... And how do you guys expect it to last 7 years? PS3player, your argumentation is shit. Just because to times they release it after 7 years doesn't mean that will be again. I reckon PC's will have defeated consoles for good within 1 till 2 years. And again, The Wii is the only console that gives what even the most powerfull PC can't. And I'll have to check the release of the ps1. I though it was far later. Let's say 1998 or something.
  5. Little fight with my mom, then still a little sa-mp. Nothing really special though.
  6. Even the best thing in to big quantity's are bad. Naturally CO2 would boost plant growth, but lot's of CO2 now just goes straight up and destroys the atmosphere.
  7. 2013? 6 years? You must be crazy. How can a weak console as the ps3 survive 6 damn years? I give it 3 to 4 years. Same for the 360. The 360 compensates it's weaker Graphic card with more RAM. And again, the Wii is built without good graphics in mind, that's why it can stay longer. The PS3 and the 360 are meant for real gaming with good graphics and physics.
  8. So which games do you have now Ciaran, and how'd you like it untill now.
  9. The global warming is natural and you can't stop it. But humans are really boosting the proces of it. So at the end, it is still our fault.
  10. PS3's are just lying in the stores here. Lot's of people looking at it, no one actually buying. Don't forget, the Wii is still not in stores, you have to reserve and there is a high demand. Dude, the 360 is actually a better console. Back to Wii. The ps3 will be outdated in power within 3 years, as for the Wii, it doesn't need power. So there. It isn't worth the big price getting a console that will be rubish withing 3 years. Edit: and with a username as PS3 player you say you aren't a fan boy.. Yeah right.
  11. You call that early? I have to be awake at 6 O'clock AM for school. Anyway, so at what time GMT will it be released?
  12. Pandora


    So got your hands on a San Andreas Walkthrough yet?
  13. Orges, do you your self know how to make car mods and stuff?
  14. How'd you get double twin towers? Can't see any copy line or anything.
  15. On your right hand corner you have the time, double click it to modify.
  16. I hope not. What if they actually take away the really nice things of GTA and make it all more realistic. Some parts of the game should just be left alone and maybe just made a little better but keep the gaming experience of GTA in it. If they say really different I really hope they just mean improving everything and a shit load of new features. But not changing it.
  17. I'd say it's 10 times better then the ps3. Cause it's interaction, something that doesn't need updates. As for the ps3, 3 years maybe, then it will be worth as much as a gameboy colour.
  18. Disk Space? Your forgetting that the 360 can add on a HDD and that it is actually performing better. BTW: The Wii isn't cool. The hell, the gameplay is just more fun, much more fun then any other console.
  19. And that was on Cartoon Network It has been proven to buy polution by all kinds of gasses.
  20. Then give a source.. They haven't announced anything as such before the Wii was announced with picture of the nunchunk.
  21. Actually I think it's better if he knew before you'd have a girlfriend. And since your bi you also just have a boyfriend.
  22. I found the graphics rather disapointing, not as good as I hoped. And here's a vid from Motor Storm. Ik know it's a bad quility flash vid, but you can clearly see it isn't as good as the trailers "actual gameplay" was. And they are copycat's: Wii, anyone? To add on to that, there rival: the 360. It looks like putting only 256 MB ram in it was a bad choice. Cause now all the textures look...bad.
  23. Yep, I use to really like DBZ. I still have all episodes on my PC, and sometimes watch some DB for a laugh. Last week I still played some DBZ game, it's really cool. But I guess a little childish to... I mean, I'm almost 14 and still like DBZ a bit
  24. Or they just don't find it worth the money, like me. I lol'ed when I read this
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