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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Or it will stay exclusive. So only for the 360. I'd be lauging in that case.
  2. That's... not alot.. Maybe charge for userbars.. Just 20$
  3. Ow... well then not. Please do post the psd in my next order. I'll pay 200 if I get the lisence and psd.
  4. Do note that what you see on the trailer of motorstorm isn't the actualy gameplay. BTW, the 360 has 512 mb RAM and the ps3 256 MB. It's mainly the CPU that makes the ps3 better, combined with the Blu-Ray.
  5. I'll pay 1000 for the PSD and the licence.
  6. Pandora


    If you just want coffee ask for a cafe, not coffee shop. When my mom just came here she made the mistake of asking where a coffee shop is Holland... So different compared to the world... Everything here is aloud. Even suing a policeman for arresting you cause you killed.
  7. Damn it, just before going to sleep I had a briliant name. Damn, should have wrote it down Pyro_Penguin
  8. San Andreas was just filled with stuck moddels. This time they should change. Like plants will actually sway and sometimes break during storms.
  9. I think eventually they'll just get the same as the 360.
  10. The guide is user friendly enough, but if you do want step by step help with your mod, post it. Edit: I mean post the file
  11. Well yes, in the states. But asuming your just buying it in your own country and don't import it, your actually being ripped of aren't you.
  12. I'll probably go to see that movie Fryday. I have seen the trailer and some advertisments and it does look really cool.
  13. You don't know the game don't you... You don't have specific levels, but I'm stuck with the event matches from level 35 onwards..
  14. I liked Pyro MC Chris What 'bout Pyro blast... That does sound like a little kid.. Pyro n00b Pyrotastic.. Pyrohazard Pyrobitch Pyrobite Forget about that
  15. Funny how people try to find as much as posible info out of small things. Probably means nothing, but nice anyway
  16. Well Chris could go through all the code, but probably he won't. It's a big hasle for a small thing. And I've got no idea when it's going to be release to be honest
  17. For a new PC 250 gig is quite little. Even cheap PC's have 250/300 gig these days.
  18. Big f*** you there. Asia IS civilised. Some places even further than Europe. Just because the middle-east isn't doesn't mean the whole of Asia isn't. I bet you haven't even ever been there, I can tell you there are alot of Asian people who are whay richer and civilised than you or anyone here. I've flown alot, and guess what. The best airliners ARE ASIAN! Really, saying Asia isn't civilised is a real small minded view.
  19. I wanted it to be exclusive :'( How much should I pay to get the rights over it?
  20. Uhm, right. I'm stuck with Super Smash Bros. Mellee (already a few years). So what now...
  21. CroScorpion: Jace (way earlier) You think I'd be stupid enough to buy a GTX if every other card supported DX10? Really, read my posts before quistioning. The Geforce 8 series all use DX10, but the other cards haven't been released yet. Doubt that. It needs a graphic card capable of DX10. The 360 uses a ATi card and they don't have any card supporting that. I don't even know if consoles actually even use DirectX..
  22. The ps3 is much more powerfull then a 360. But at the end it's actually just a weak computer. It's has only 256 MB ram! But for gaming, yeah, good. Although I'd prefer spending the same money on a 360 and spend the remaining money on some PC upgrades.
  23. Just to make this clear. The store is NOT by Chris. All you can do is wait for the final release of IB Store. It's not something you can just do on your sunday afternoon. The prob may be small, but the amount of code to go through is huge.
  24. Pandora


    Not much of drugs here. It only stays at the coffee shops and just in Amsterdam. But not on streets.
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