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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. I haven't looked yet, busy opening page right now. But if this really works. You Are Great I'l be able to make models, finally
  2. ah, cool. Do you have any copyright on it? If not, I'm gonna now edit some stuff
  3. Thinks I'm the admin Still doesn't like pepsi Doesn't like pepsi to and prefers Ice tea
  4. Pandora


    Those stupid mails you get from idiots who say "You have to send this mail to 15 people withing 45 minutes after reading this or you will be attacked by the Matrix virus. This Virus has been confirmed by Windows XP". Those idiots don't even know they have to say Microsoft and not Windows XP...
  5. And I don't get bored after 3 years XP style I'm not not taking it because of it slowing down. But because it can make your system unstable and according to some guy has a "Major Uninstall problem".
  6. Likes pepsi and is unhappy shodow didn't post Likes Coke more (Coca Cola ftw) Is a member of lcf.
  7. Not planing to blur the emu But if you really want to know what those things coverd with black are. It are some games, 3 games. And the other things are documents and pictures with name I prefer not to reveal Ow, and that star thingy is a map called Ka. Now that won't really mean anything.. does it. I'v to capture a screenshot now. I'v got a new style
  8. A, ok. I got the icons now and style but someparts are missing. So is the transformation pack also un installible? edit: Once installed, it might reduce the speed of your machine and might create system instability
  9. I think without that change of style it's better OGTAM.
  10. He's paying so I don't really have a problem with him doeing that Wierd, he insists on paying more than needed... And getting that Physics card away will save me 250 so I think I'm gonna be in my dad's price budget. I'l check to see how much these parts cost now. Ow, and a little thing about XP. I planing to get Vista ultimate but it's far cheaper getting a upgrade. Now I still have the XP cd. Could I just install XP on my com and than straigt away upgrade to Vista? Edit: The price is now 1.760 in Euro. Now I want to have Word, Exel, Outlook and Powerpoint. Does that all come with Microsoft® Works 8?
  11. Perhaps, but although it's good value, I can't afford to even spend 500 one 1 single console. But if I'd ever really need a blu-ray player, I would buy it. But unlickly. I don't think whe'l really need those disc's soon.
  12. Yeah, but it made the first step to it, that's good. They runed a huge risk by choosing that way instead of power but still did. Now here's a link with specs of the consoles. It's not entierly up to date though. It misses some info of the wii but 360 and ps3 are complete Console Price Availability Optical media Memory Chip Microsoft Xbox 360 without HDD $299 Available DVD with possible add-on HD DVD 512MB GDDR Three-core custom IBM PowerPC; each core at 3.2GHz 500MHz ATI graphics processor Microsoft Xbox 360 with 20GB HDD $399 Available DVD with possible add-on HD DVD 512MB GDDR Three-core custom IBM PowerPC; each core at 3.2GHz 500MHz ATI graphics processor PlayStation 3 with 20GB HDD $499 Nov. 17, 2006 Blu-ray 256MB of 700MHz GDDR 3; 256MB of XDR Cell Processor 3.2GHz RSX GPU PlayStation 3 with 60GB HDD $599 Nov. 17, 2006 Blu-ray 256MB of 700MHz GDDR 3; 256MB of XDR Cell Processor 3.2GHz RSX GPU Nintendo Wii N/A Q4 2006 N/A 512MB flash memory IBM "Broadway" 729MHz Graphics processor being developed with ATI
  13. yeah, that last post of your gave you all the respect I had for you back . For a second I was thinking you wanted to get me in a never ending argument and I wanted to end it with my next reply. On-topic again: I have to say, Wii for pure fun. 360 if you really want to have some normal gaming. The Wii doesn't have alot of real action games. And unfortunatly lacks the top shooter's. I hope that would change cause shooting with that Wii-mote thingy would be alot of fun.
  14. That's nice for you. My first post just was you can't have 1000 movies on a little 60 GB HDD and said a normal (illegal or legal) is MORE than 1 gig. And I'm talking about one that keeps it's full quility. So that you can bring you laptop with you and connect it to a tv and watch with the same quility.
  15. San Andreas. Will anyone vote GTA2
  16. You stated them being 1.5 gig. Well, you'r wrong. And tell me. Why do people who buy legal cd's still put them on their pc. It makes it all easier. YOu stated: A 9GB movie, i dont know how its even possible! I'm just saying that that is very well possible. And I asume you where then talking about a normal dvd since you talked about ripping. Something you mostly do with a legal DVD.
  17. What the f*** is wrong with you! You must have them illegal yourself. Finding Nemo (yes I leanded it once...) is 8 GB. LEGAL. The only movies that are 1.5 gig are mostly ILLEGAL.
  18. The cam hack itself is tricky, yes. But not the speedo meter in it. One thing. Spawner's and Cheat devices and speedometer are in the catogory trainers. Trainer is a tool so sometimes they are in the tool section for downloads. But they are executibles. So don't ever say that the read me doesn't say how to install it. Just put it in the gta root folder.
  19. It's a trainer dude... Just a little hack. and about not getting it to work. Could people look a bit befor posting. There is clearly a indication to it in the trainer.
  20. A gamereview here about vurtua tennis said that they found the graphics of it on the 360 actually better than the one of ps3. And here are some ram facts 360-512mb ps3-256 Wii, not sure- 128
  21. oow, you just messed up the quites. Wu-zi-mu, you got your own nice userbars, why cant he have his? ow, and I'd like one of those. Make it a lcf pwn supporter userbar I'l give 40 for that.
  22. That oppacity.. Did you do that with Alpha channels or is that really in the model?
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