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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Options --> private. I now use FF for downloads. IE always gets error with big slow downloads
  2. Use a wireless router with Mac protection? That could cause it to not be able to connect. Just log in to your router and insert the Wii Mac address and on your Wii make sure that you have entered the right SSID and WEP/WAP code.
  3. Nobody here works for R*, and if they did they'd probably never tell us. Blu-Ray is a type of disc. Like CD and DVD. You need a player that can read it. Your DVD drive won't do. Original will be about 60 USD I'm starting to gain a dislike to you.. Are you serious about getting a pirated version? Cause then you're in to get banned. Other then that, a Blu-ray pirate copy will cost you at least 30 USD cause the Blu-Ray discs are damn expensive. And to burn the discs you'll need to spend another 1000 USD to get the drive that can do that. DVD's are much cheaper though. So please, stop all Warez talk.
  4. @HBP: the first and second car look very good IMO @Smallpancake: Not fond of Mitsubishi: but some models (like that one) look good IMO. So what's ugly about it inyour eyes?
  5. Where exactly did any of us say that there is NO PC version coming? Al we said that it wasn't announced yet. It can be converted by these game studios, not by someone like you or me or with some little nifty program. That won't do. How exactly do you have no other choice? Get some money of the bank or save some up and then you'll have 2 choices: Buy it legally, or don't buy/get it at all. My point, it wouldn't make sense not porting it to PC, they'd only lose. All we said is that it hasn't been announced yet. Making a wild guess I'd say 2 DVD's. Or 1 DVD, highly compressed and an extremely long installation time. My point of few. But because nothing has been confirmed or denied we only speculate.
  6. It doesn't work and probably won't until a new IBS is released, what could take for ever.
  7. ... Uhm, it doesn't work yet you can connect to the Wii-shop? What do you mean with never works if you can connect?
  8. I think Galaxy really looks kick-ass. But so does Corruption. I love Mario games so I'd go for Galaxy. So then it's Galaxy v/s Brawl. Going to get them both, of course. But probably first Brawl. For the fun of online play.
  9. Never have used Link much. I've mainly used Falco because of his speed. Going through the Brawl site makes me wish it was December already and the sample music sounds awesome. To think of it, I really hope they leave those Ice-climbers out of the game. They really sucked, hard. I think I'll make some graphic with my Wii-number for my sig.
  10. Given that the amount of games now for DX 10 can be counted on one hand... I think it will be able to use DX 10 but like Crysis and almost every other DX10 game also DX9 compatible. You'll just miss some minor effects.
  11. Nooooo! Why did they take out ammunation? I loved their radio adds But yeah, it wasn't realistic. The other info sounds good though.
  12. I actualy have once seen a hot coffee add on google adds.
  13. Forgot about the online play. That's right. Good thing they implemented that. Hope I can find a pre-order. That will save me 33% of the normal price. I'll probably use the NGC controller, I'm best with that and IMO it has a excellent rumble and it's easy to use. We'll see who kicks who's ass. (I can see myself regretting ever saying that in December ) BTW, is it confirmed to have that tournament mode like Melee had? Must be kick-ass online.
  14. I don't think I'm going to really marry someone really hot given all the standards I have but it doesn't include looks. Sure I want someone attractive, but not necessarily really hot. Might as well enjoy the time when I'm free. Not going to have sex for at least another 2 years though (then I'm 16). IMO I'm to yough for it ATM. There are quite some hot but kind girls at school. But I think actually having a relationship with them would suck.. They kinda are that type who wil have sex with your best friend without you knowing it.
  15. There is huge difference between loving someone and just wanting to bang her. In this case I'm talking about the the last one.
  16. I hate mine. Looks kinda stupid on a 14 year old y'know... Some other dude once told me that I'd probably get some hot chick if I'd take it away.. but my parents don't let me so I'm not getting a hot chick so I'm not having sex
  17. Just some sort of content. Even if it's just: 'sup? That's content.
  18. They're having problems ggetting it onto the consoles. These probs would never exist on a PC. Not all that 'next-gen' IMO.
  19. ... Fuck. I almost thought you actually know me.. No, I don't. I'm not allowed from my parents Everyone at school constantly asks me.. It's hard being so uber cool and awesome when having a stupid moustache (begin, but quite visible) and a few fairly clear hairs on the chin. I just looks stupid. But then my awesomeness compensates.
  20. I Should get it. But I'm spending a bit to much IMO.. I want to get one more game before Christmas though. But I can't choose between Galaxy and Brawl. And maybe I should consider Corruption too.. Suggestions? I only can afford one game.
  21. GTA III and Vice City at a friends house (sleep-over). I was like: "OMG, these games exists AWESOME!" First GTA I owned was San Andreas though.
  22. We should act like the Internet Hate Machine. But maybe that'd go to far and get us banned..
  23. You probably didn't see the post. But I just said that this topic would be far more popular and pleasant if there actually was some sort of content. There's a difference between being random and a posting junk. More people would get interested and we'd get more posts thus reaching our target faster.
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