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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. I hate my 'ex-friend'. Constantly bragging about things what he has NOT done. i.e. He put his hand in a bottle of liquid nitrogen. He went with his dad onto the motorway and then did 220 KM/h in a car that can't reach 210. And some other annoying things. His 'I-know-it-better' attitude. The thing being that he does not.. He reads some science magazine for kids. They say lots of stuff about the future and stuff. Like TV's that spread a smell. So then this guy comes and says that in a few months he's going to buy such TV. Little does he know, there aren't even proto-types of those things. The technology does not (yet) exist. Just an example. They all add up to a really annoying person IMO. Telling me about "the 7 star hotel" (Burj al Arab) 3 years after I first knew about it does not impress. Then he gets all upset that I know it and says that I try to spoil everything..
  2. They shouldn't include the ability to buy and use. Highly trade. I'm pretty sure it would lead to the game getting a AO rating.
  3. Shoe? Is that one of those new pokemon? @WnN2. Aeroblast is some flying attack only Lugia can do. I just forgot to mention the name
  4. Same, I learn German too and its to hard and I don't like it to much. I wish I could learn Spanish too, it is very easy. Well IMO it isn't hard. I just don't like the language in general.
  5. It certainly is faster. Looks good Chris Oh, and I just noticed. There actually is a mod of mine there One I made over a year ago with MS paint when messing around with that texture editor tool. It actually sucked IMO and was kinda n00bish... Might try to make some other mod. Maybe some tatoo packet or a football shirt.
  6. It is sour damnit. And now I'm going to try to reinstall Far Cry.
  7. No U! /b/ does NOT stand for 'to be'www.4chan.org
  8. *kills sniperspeed by brutally ripping his penis of of his body and channing him to a pole where after he will bleed to death* Oh god, I'm feeling like some psyco after saying that.
  9. I like Spanish. I wish I could learn Spanish instead of German. I like Spanish chicks, too.
  10. I'd go for the PC version. Also bare in mind that the ps2 renders the game in a far lower reso. I'm sure if a PC would do that reso it would have a much higher frame-rate. Reasons for PC version: Trainers (messing with the gravity is pretty funny sometimes) Mods Online gameplay. +for PS2 is that you play in standard on your TV (big screen) and with a gamepad. Both can be done by PC too, but for the first it's quite a pain.
  11. IE can't be disabled cause its intergrated into the OS. Try shutting it down in Windows task manager and your account will fuck up and you'll be forced to restart.
  12. Far Cry. It's an old game, but it rocks. Oh, and yesterday some rice, chicken lumpia type of thing.. But then the outside is made out of rice.. I dunno the name..
  13. I dunno. There are lots of cool Pokemon IMO. A few: Typlosion just looks wicked and was the first pokemon I ever got (Pokemon Silver). Never got him to lever 100 though. Some where in the 90's I think. He's fuckin' huge and cool IMO. Aeroblast FTW! (if that was the name.. Can't remember ) Raikou. Never been able to catch him though Then a few others: Latios & Latias Groudon Golem Steelix Seaking (fuck yeah) Mudkip Haunter Scyther.
  14. The conspiracy theory has flaws. The theory of the terrorists (IMO the real one) has none. Simple. Other then that, something to read when you're bored. If I'm not mistaken the first attack on the WTC also was on 9/11. But I doubt that it has anything to do with the emergency number. No mater what most say I do think that Bush has been a quite good leader. He can't help it that he was president just at the time that that happened. He's made lots of mistakes, too. But then any other president who would have 'ruled' at the time of such attacks happening probably would have too. Though he is going over-the-top with Iraq though.. They've gotten rid of Saddam, so IMO they've got to leave. I could go on, but then I'd basically just be repeating everything that UO said.
  15. Sorry for being late, but happy late-birthday anyway Sky Go to some circuit or something to have fun with your new car.
  16. @ TFY: Cause I still see England as 'my' country.

    @TM: Kinda lost interest in TGTAP.. Other then that my Browser is all fucked up but I don't know why :(

  17. Because IMO it's just not 'nice' to use compared to IE. I'd pay to be able to use IE instead.
  18. So I'm forced to using FF2 now due to some problem with IE7. Rendering goes faster and stuff, but in general I hate it and would prefer IE anyday, even though it has quite some faults..
  19. No. You're just spamming the shit out of this topic.Amount of posts in totally irrelevant.Oh, and I'm using FF now. I fucking hate it. But my IE7 is having some javascript problems
  20. Twilight Princess. But really, the chance that you won is very, very slim.
  21. Well...........I am the Second Best Well I own all of you bitches. So fuck of TM. I'm the best. Just to say that I won't post that much in the next coming days. Highly 5 a day.
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