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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. It was rather painfull :mellow:

    But it's recovering pretty quick.

  2. Ow Snap! 4000 posts and I missed it. This was the legendary post. So yeah, 4000 posts. Up to 5000 and beyond!
  3. I was a little of then. And yeah, 4:30. Well, 437 actually. ATM it's 18:51. Me...?
  4. Tried parkour, failed, and hit a wall.

  5. TBH, just 6 months ago I was a total n00b when it came to these type of things. It's a pretty old card but it looks ok to play these days games on medium/low settings with a low reso. How much was is? A 8600 is just a little over 150 EUR so you might have been better of with that.
  6. Have any prove you even bought it? Then I'll be willing to help you.
  7. It's just a hotmail account. It's better getting your own domain and then make a mail.
  8. Random post car that I shot myself:
  9. There: One of my bit better pics. I guess I'll add the rest of the lot the the vehicles forum stuff.
  10. So can you tell me how you can make a normal pic get that cartoony effect in CS2?
  11. You are Silberio. I'm closer to the Official GMT thing. When you're al the way in Chile. Dunno how much hours difference, but if I'd have to guess I'd say 9, 8 GMT. I'm +1 GMT BTW.
  12. I'm disappointed in you Oskar..
  13. Uh, yeah. Typical 4chan stuff: showing the cam. JB almost always has it. And I'm not old enough to play GTA either.. actually.
  14. ? Anyway, it's pretty old news actually..
  15. ATM I'm actually surfing the net with my Wii, and with exeption of typing (what's actually better then you'd think) it's pretty good. The Wii can play online flash games that are designed for the wii-mote, like at wiicade.com. Can the PS3? No, I don't think so.com Also the Wii is nice and compact, unlike the ps3 that's bigger then that old atari console. I'll post some video later.
  16. Good enough card ATM, altough I would have taken a DX 10 one. Although it's not really needed, just me who always wants those type of things.
  17. Translation: Haha, I'm a n00b so just ignore my dumb talk. Done. That'll be $5 for the translation time then.
  18. You can actually run San An with that? BTW, get a 7200 if you really need a cheap GFX card. They're damn cheap.
  19. Yes I'm still saying that I was not bragging. It just annoyed me how you were praising that thing sky high without even ever having played on it, what IMO is rather stupid. So the Home feature is suddenly something innovative then? No, far from. The concept of it is already is the Sims. It's just a nice little extra, just like the weather and news channel on the Wii. And if I had to choose I'd go for the last one, since it actually has a purpose, as for the Home feature, I'd use it a week and then be tired of it. It does look nice and stuff, but it's not needed. Continue. You won't get far.
  20. I still think shes hot...kinda
  21. I have one to, but I prefer Nintendo's controllers. And second would the the 360's.
  22. It is just and updated console of the the ps2... Hence the name. And I'm trying to look good? I hate the ps3, so why would I ever want to brag about me having played it? It's just that you, as Spaz said, were praising it as if there is no tomorrow before you even laid your finger on one. Don't get me wrong, I do think the graphics are great. But it's nothing new. It's just adding some power to the machine, and in that case, I'd rather just upgrade a PC with some overkill parts.
  23. Waste of time? That just didn't make sense. And they don't 'take space that other gangs could use'. Just keep them how they are. And certainly NOT delete. It still holds historical memoirs of the TGTAP. It's not bothering anyone or somethin'...
  24. f*** ATI And being a Christian would make me a Jesus fan.. kindda... I think..
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