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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Hacking is getting out of control, the fact he managed to hack Microsoft, the largest organization in the world, tells me were all at risk. The image showing what happened has been removed due to high-bandwidth usage, so thats a bugger, I would have liked to see what happened. I hope they track the bustard down to sue his arse.
  2. Yeah, I have a strong feeling he will to. Only wish I was old enough to be able to vote and put forward my opinion Yeah, that idiot deserves to be banned, I don't think they did go through with it though.
  3. It would be a neat trick if it did end up being Roman, but then again maybe it's a trick to make it look like a trick but it's not a trick. Hmm...
  4. I found it rather funny that they did this, never have I heard of it happening before. While we're on the topic of people who "aren't the type of blokes we should have in Australia", may I ask why we let John Howard back in? I'm not for either way to be honest, whether Snoop is allowed in or not doesn't effect me. I just never heard of this happening before.
  5. You'd be best to start a new topic to ask .
  6. It's illegal, so not only would be be against the rules for someone here to help you, it would be very bad for you. If it's anything like Australia, if your found importing it it's a criminal charge.
  7. Very nice, a little big yes, but not bad .
  8. Um, 3? I'm not asking a question yet since this seems like a trick question. Bingo, nice job mate, I didn't think anyone would get it. Version 1 release, then version 2 release, then the Vista compatible release.
  9. Breaking the Bank at Caligula's Now a tricky one for ya all, I don't think anyone will get it right (it may seem easy, but it's not)... How many releases of GTA San Andreas for PC have their been officially? EDIT: Btw, why is this in Fun and Games? It's hardly an off-topic post, firstly it's all about GTA, and secondly we have other topics identical to this for independent GTA games in their independent forum. We should get this moved.
  10. My friend is dieing to play Resistance: Fall of Man, all we need is a darn PS3. Whats it like? /sorry to get off-topic, but seems to best place to ask.
  11. I think it's an inside joke between him and others. Dates back to sometime around 18 BC I believe. (okay, made the later bit up, but the first is true (as far as I know anyway)). Anyway, welcome to the site EvoLuTioN, I've notice you around the site as of late, your a good member, it's a pleasure yo have you here. Glad your enjoying it.
  12. The most time consuming part is the actual extraction of the images, since the only program that does it doesn't support batch extraction, nor is it very simple to use as of yet. very unstable. At least Photoshop has a good recognition and can tell where images should meet.
  13. The tools work for either (both PS2 and PSP). But no, you need different tools for the PC GTA games.
  14. Extracted it from the game disc, just using some tools available online.
  15. Here you go, that will be 350 dollars thanks. http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/6103/silberiodagreat5qe2.jpg http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/2143/silberiodagreat6mh5.jpg
  16. Like this? http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/7633/silberiodagreat3md7.jpg http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/638/silberiodagreat4dm7.jpg grove4life - I'll get that done ASAP.
  17. O RLY? About time someone noticed .
  18. He couldn't talk/didn't talk at all throughout the game. What color was the car that held the killers of CJ's mother in San Andreas?
  19. Cut as in we're removed from the story line. "Eat till you explode!" Who we're the two characters cut from GTA III?
  20. How's this? http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/1972/silberiodagreat1pf7.jpg OR http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/4010/silberiodagreat2si7.jpg Can you re-request it, then I'll get it done finally. So sorry about the wait, since it's taken so long, it's on the house...
  21. A banshee. Who we're the two characters cut from GTA III?
  22. I dunno why I didn't lock this earlier, it seems to just be re-creation of what has already been started in both the news, and the media.
  23. Nice, their is certainly a lot of information out there at the moment. Wish people would start posting these exclusives on here rather then GTAForums mind you, they seem to get all the exclusives.
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