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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Jared

    Games list

    PSP Burnout Legends GTA Liberty City Stories GTA Vice City Stories GUN Showdown Need For Speed Most Wanted Pursuit Force PC (of what I have on me at the moment) Battlefield 2 Counter Strike Source F.E.A.R GTA 1 GTA 2 GTA III GTA IV GTA San Andreas version 1 GTA San Andreas version 2 GTA Vice City Half Life 2 Hitman 2 Hitman: Blood Money Need For Speed Underground Mafia Max Payne Max Payne 2 Midnight Club 2 The Sims 2 (plus 3 add-ons) True Crime 1 Manhunt PS2 Bully (Canis Canem Edit) GTA III GTA San Andreas GTA Vice City Stories Hitman: Blood Money Hitman 3 Max Payne Manhunt True Crime 2 Need For Speed Carbon Time Splitters : Future Perfect Devil May Cry 3 Tomb Raider Legend Ghost Hunter King Kong 187 Ride or Die Killzone Collins Mcrae Rally 04 Americas Most Wanted Resident Evil Dead Aim Resident Evil 4 Brothers In Arms Destroy All Humans Destroy All Humans 2 Crisis Zone Cold Winter Juiced Metal Gear Solid 3 Eye Toy PLAY 2 Rainbow Six 3 Ghost Recon Jungle Storm Minority Report Terminator 3 : The Redemption Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Black The Getaway Black Monday Midnight Club 3 - DUB Edition Scarface Rainbow Six Lockdown Cold Fear Mortal Kombat - Deception Splinter Cell - Double Agent Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter The Warriors
  2. We have planned a new skin for awhile, based on this, just with some new graphics and style. Whether we still go ahead with it though, well thats anyone guess. Have to see what happens.
  3. How bout instead of us all saying the exact same thing, which is expected, we just wait for him to let us know what he meant. Or if not, if you can't wait, which I can't, someone just ask another question and well go from there?
  4. I don't think it's very convincing. Maybe I've spent too much time on Photoshop. I've built up my edited-photo eye. Well I was trying to be nice to the new guy, thanks for ruining it . Dazza, Don't bet on it, this is the same government that brang in the IR laws, remember?
  5. Grey, black and white are professional colours that stand for what GTA is all about, dark, muck, grubby violence. (as well as the logo consisting of all 3 colours too.
  6. Verdy nice indeed, a little fast, but not bad for your first one.
  7. I don't even know what the hell Dr Pepper is :S.
  8. So so so close to 1400 posts it's not funny!
  9. I wonder if no planes means no flying cheats neither? Hope not.
  10. Sony wouldn't be that stupid. Plus they are a completely different type of disc.
  11. I know the landmines can be, I was just showing that they were originally going to be fully functional, not just a 5 minute idea.
  12. If you didn't bump a 2 year, 1 month and a half old topic you wouldn't be having any problems at all.
  13. PSP Burnout Legends GTA Liberty City Stories GTA Vice City Stories GUN Showdown Need For Speed Most Wanted Pursuit Force PC (of what I have on me at the moment) Battlefield 2 Counter Strike Source F.E.A.R GTA 1 GTA 2 GTA III GTA IV GTA San Andreas version 1 GTA San Andreas version 2 GTA Vice City Half Life 2 Hitman 2 Hitman: Blood Money Need For Speed Underground Mafia Max Payne Max Payne 2 Midnight Club 2 The Sims 2 (plus 3 add-ons) True Crime 1 Manhunt PS2 Bully (Canis Canem Edit) GTA III GTA San Andreas GTA Vice City Stories Hitman: Blood Money Hitman 3 Max Payne Manhunt True Crime 2 Need For Speed Carbon Time Splitters : Future Perfect Devil May Cry 3 Tomb Raider Legend Ghost Hunter King Kong 187 Ride or Die Killzone Collins Mcrae Rally 04 Americas Most Wanted Resident Evil Dead Aim Resident Evil 4 Brothers In Arms Destroy All Humans Destroy All Humans 2 Crisis Zone Cold Winter Juiced Metal Gear Solid 3 Eye Toy PLAY 2 Rainbow Six 3 Ghost Recon Jungle Storm Minority Report Terminator 3 : The Redemption Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Black The Getaway Black Monday Midnight Club 3 - DUB Edition Scarface Rainbow Six Lockdown Cold Fear Mortal Kombat - Deception Splinter Cell - Double Agent Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter The Warriors
  14. No...because it changes each day either way.
  15. will morton. (looked at credits in the guide! ) You learn fast young padawan . I have to agree, that question made no sense to me neither, sorry .
  16. Jared


    I think yes, in some way they exist, how so? I don't know however. I do think there is something after death, what that is is anyones guess. The only way we will ever know is it die, and I don't plan on that anytime soon.
  17. You can never take it too far when it comes to marketing, they have the Apple marketing director working for them now, they are in very good hands. If he could sell GTA IV as well as he sold the iPod and the Mac, Rockstar will be making some serioud revenue come October. No, it was photoshopped, read the topic description . How'd I know someone would end up thinking that? Just shows how quality it is. I know what you mean, taking your time is always best. Never do it all in one good. It certainly paid off!
  18. It's "modern day", not "futuristic", so unless there are some flying cars I don't know about then I doubt it. Perhaps another short-winged dodo? :/
  19. Thats the plan :P.

    HINT: VC Manual ;).

    Read more  
  20. Found this the other day, I think they had a texture for it in San Andreas too, but I could be wrong. Although it does beg to reason, why is it in VCS, unless we were going to be able to use a phone? Also, while I'm here, I found the icon for the Landmines too...
  21. Since Ram didn't ask...Who played/voiced the Stalker? Hard one.
  22. Very nice, must of taken a lot of word.
  23. Grand Theft Auto IV - From start to finish... In the coming months well be seeing many screenshots, from past experiences we all know Rockstar do lots of chops and changes before they release a game, each Grand Theft Auto game has been released with changed features, removed features and in some cases complete opposites. In the early screenshots they release to magazines, in trailers and to websites they show us what they have at the current time. You can always revert back to those once you have the game, and your able to see differences. Graphics, removals, discrete changes, you name it! The plan of mine for GTA IV is to have all these documented, so we have a resource for such changes, which will be added to TheGTAPlace when the time comes. The idea of this topic is to post anything you find released to GTA IV. Trailer images, screenshots, magazine screenshots (preferably of the game, not of the magazines content) or any other medium of the medium. This will give use a venue of information which when the time comes will allow use to go in-depthly into. So if you have any, any at all, please do post them in here, and where possibly put credit and a description for each. Your help will be much appreciated. Not only are you helping grow TheGTAPlace's content but your also able to see yourself how things change, and keep up-to-date on everything to do with Grand Theft Auto IV media. Thanks!
  24. If someone would like to take this over, let me know, because I have no time on my hands to update I'm afraid, sorry.
  25. This may interested you even more, a video on the GTA III Beta Release, this guy nabbed it up and reported on it.
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