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Everything posted by Jared

  1. More people use PC's then gaming consoles, so generally speaking it would be a good idea. But who knows, all depends I guess.
  2. Any image being generated by a script, such as .php, .asp, .html, etc with a tailing question mark "?" is dynamic.
  3. No doubt there will be more media coverage yes.
  4. Actually there is some serious possibilities it is Xbox's fault. Xbox uses DVD's, SA only just made it onto a DVD, how can the new game fit on their exactly? Many large gaming websites are saying you may need a hard drive to play it on Xbox and PS3 due to the size. So before you make another comment about these apparent "fanboys" (who might I add, have just as much a right to show their respect for Sony as you do for Microsoft) look at your posts. The only fanboy I am seeing, is you.
  5. Ever coded an entire game and found bugs that you can't find in your 5000000 lines of code? Sadly thats what it's like. However from what I hear the problem is space, not bugs. In reply to a post just deleted by someone: The rumor is space is the problem, if that IS the truth then it's simple, which has the most space? Xbox 360 or PS3?
  6. Well we could remove the ads, then you would have to pay membership, and some way I don't think that would make us very popular would it? Anyway, I would firstly recommend getting an updated browser, it is well known that IE 6 was never very safe. Secondly, I see your running some symantec software (via your tool bar), there known to record viruses that are in face nothing more then a file trying to play a video or flash file in your browser, so watch that too.
  7. It means no images that are not direct url's. Direct URL: http://www.yoursite.com/mysig.gif Dynamic URL: http://www.yoursite.com/show.php?img=mysig.gif I'm not sure if Chris has them turned off or not, but if they are it's because they can be a security risk. Dynamic images can contain malfunctioning code (viruses in other words) that can abuse the board, or hack it.
  8. That was my point also, I wasn't condoning GTAGaming or other GTA sites, I was simple pointing out that there is some reasonable evidence that March is the month Take-Two has been telling retailers. Good news post anyhow .
  9. PlanetGTA says March also, which strikes me as odd as Jordan doesn't normally get things wrong. like you he is careful about what he makes public.
  10. Seems the two large retailers (Amazon and GameStop) are listing the game under different release date(s), it's believed Take-Two has given them these release dates, however I can't clarify that. They are interesting though: Amazon: June 30, 2008 Gamestop: March 3, 2008 Information thanks to Aj Collins via RockstarBoard.com.
  11. Of course! You?

  12. Oh right, well yes I do like Ford over Holden. Holden is crap.

  13. Very possibly it may be, unless it's a game thing and not in need of the net. More then likely it will be locally rather then remotely.
  14. What the hell are you on about?

  15. I'd say it will be in Rockstar style, fake clones of famous sites, like Google and such, like they have done in the past with products and items. I can't see them having real life sites and such, could leave open attacks from viruses and such, also limits its use them, they say it will be of use to missions, so why would they have real websites?
  16. Back again I see. This is your final warning, you will post your thoughts in the Wishlist topic OR you will be banned for the next week, this is getting very VERY annoying. Follow common sense or pay the price. Good day.
  17. I just posted about this in the PS3 topic 2 hours ago .
  18. I hear the PS3 is dropping in price by 100-200 dollars after E3, good news for me .
  19. WikiPedia goes over the top however, title for example, you can't have a header saying "Video Comments" for example, it has to be "Video comments". Only one word can have a capital at the start, which is NOT a good thing when working with important phrases.
  20. Wait wait, how will it do anything? It's coded for LCS, it won't work for SA.
  21. Okay, thanks but I can't see this topic going anywhere other then having more comments such as Stallone's above, so I'll lock this. If you want to discuss the possibility of hookers in general, start a new topic or post in the Wishlist. Hot Coffee is a no no though, of course it won't be included in the game.
  22. I always mark such crap as spam... Then their accounts probably end up wasted, i dunno... You can't do that in profiles, only in video comments. Just report it to YouTube staff, I know my account was attacked with a few spammers advertising websites about a week back and then I came in 2 days later and the staff had removed them.
  23. Just ignore the idiots, or don't set your flag . I can't see many people here being that immature though, hope not anyway.
  24. They just couldn't be bothered creating a separate set of people to actually do their job. It's much easier to ban anything that one person doesn't like, or that the UK says isn't good. Thats what happened with Manhunt 1.
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