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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Not giving a crap? In what way, do you mean they let anything through or the fact that anything with a little bit to much violence, sexual material or language is banned? The latter is correct. Australis rating system for both games and movies is terrible and needs fixing. @Jade - I'm not as old as you by I have the same belief, to me a rating is just a guideline. At the end of the day it comes down to what I think and what my parents think, and they usually respect my opinion and don't have a problem with Video games. Plus I'm old enough to hire any game Australia now, so doesn't effect me at all now.
  2. Didn't even know, wonder if any of it will be telecast. Australia ain't got a very good list :/.
  3. I found some awesome stuff from it too, things I don't think others have found yet.
  4. I've got 1 image for each 5 frames in trailer two extracted, ends up being about 600 pictures or more I think, 103mb's. I'll see if I can upload it.
  5. I'll do some more as soon as I wake up fully.
  6. Can't see it happening, if it does US will still get it, no way would MS say no when they have put big bucks into it.
  7. Contact RSPCA. WWYDI I left TheGTAPlace and never came back?
  8. Um, another creative one, first name.
  9. Could not have chosen a better group of posters .
  10. Yeah, really. I can imagine some people not knowing exactly what that giant "IV" meant. BTW guys, its my first news post. How did I do? Top job, very professional indeed . As for the RP on the poster and website, the game isn't finished in development yet, as seen in Chris's story yesterday they are still recording voice overs. The game wouldn't have been sent away for rating yet, and I would say from the recent events with Manhunt 2, it's not something Rockstar are looking forward too.
  11. I'd say the map files would give you a hint, but you'd need some full on algebra skills to find the exact value.
  12. Hmm, I dunno, I mean they may go and remake both VC and SA on their real counter parts, but myself I think they will go on other trails. Possible the beloved Carcer city. I don't know, only time will tell.
  13. I've been working in Photoshop all day, so I'm not in the mood, but here ya go anyhow:
  14. We'll probably have Central Park though, so thats close enough in my opinion.
  15. Jared

    Sig Rules

    Correct, exactly on 200 pixels, even used a green ruler to prove it:
  16. Jared

    WW1 Game?

    No idea, sorry, I would imagine so though. Perhaps these are better?
  17. Jared

    Sig Rules

    Removing two userbars (on the same line) or the text would be applicable, currently it is just over the limit on 222 pixels in height:
  18. Jared

    WW1 Game?

    Tons here, all cost money though...
  19. Depends, does New York have country side? I want it to be a realistic resemblance, not a town with locations from around the globe.
  20. Nope, same credit for everyone, no points for posts that don't count (ie Fun and Games posts). Refer to Store Post Information
  21. No need for the bump thanks, locked.
  22. You add me you your friends now you removed me? :(.

  23. You didn't try to take it back to the store you bought it from? If the best you can do is turn to illegal activities, don't expect a reply from Rockstar.
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