Don't bet on that, do a search here, many MANY people have been banned for no reason. The place is run by no law, and the rules are a clear indication of this..."We have the right to remove you from the community at anytime"...Remove a humans rights and in my opinion your no better then Hitler.
<3 you now.
Maybe that's the reason oskar moved there after he got banned? But yeah, how harsh was the email?
Not sure what your on about there, but I fail to see how another user has anything to do with this. Also, how does the harshness of the email mean anything? Just search the damn site and you have more evidence then you need.
Anyway, claude_luigi I can assure you things are run a little differently here. Here you have rights (yes, like the real world, not a world thats revolving around "look at me, I have an admin pip, woo! Bow to me!"). So enjoy yourself, and let me know if you need anything.