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Everything posted by Jared

  1. You Are a Little Scary You've got a nice edge to you. Use it. How Scary Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/howscaryareyouquiz/ err...hehe.
  2. Thanks little_friend, glad you like it :).

  3. Xbox 360 is DirectX 10 isn't it? Either way, depends if there is a PC release or not I think.
  4. Something someone just brought to my attention, flip it and you get this: "AI" - Could mean something, could mean nothing.
  5. It's hard to chose one, I did go by jarjar at one stage, but I hate it now. I rather Jared, as it's not used much and I like my real name better then anything I could make up .
  6. hehe, very well done, awesome video .
  7. http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/1650/pureaussiefixdy1.jpg ----------------- http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/7254/pureaussiedarbjt0.jpg $100 for both, so you can use whichever you want, when you want.
  8. Well no, if the games play the same as GTA3 trilogy did, then it would be gta4.com gta{name}.com and gta{another name.com. And then if there is a GTA5, then yes, the domains would come in handy then.
  9. It came with the background image I chose to use, I just left it there .
  10. Sorry to steal Putts topic again, but I just had to do this one for Ciaran .
  11. Exactly Jace, unless the group detection code has something to do with it? No idea, it's very odd.
  12. Hehe, possible, but that depends on when the game is based . If anything, it means Rockstar will have some great advertising campaigns.
  13. You on exactly the same brain wave as me on this on Chris, what you said is basically what I am trying to say . We may that have some facts that may point to there being a Manhunt 3.
  14. OGTAM just posted this, might be of use --> Playstation Home Official Topic
  15. Good idea, makes it easier to read up on it, thanks for the effort OGTAM.
  16. All the GTA games have had one, so chances are so will GTA4.
  17. Avatar - Awesome. Signature - Needs work! . Person - Had some run in's, but is a good bloke all in all.
  18. Thanks Jonker. Jace, I'll get to work on that as soon as I can .
  19. Very nice idea, will certainly come in handy. Nice job Chris .
  20. Firefox: "Tools - Clear Private Data..." Internet Explorer: "Tools - Internet Options - Browsing History"
  21. Jace - Might be a bit big, but hows this?: Can edit if needed.
  22. Same, must be a database error or code error.
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