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Besides the game being twice as big as San Andreas and twice as good looking, I have a long list of what I hope will be comming to GTA 4, so here it is! ^^
1. I'm hoping the main Character is a Yakuza. Why? Because we've already had Black and White characters, and it would be nice to have a main character of asian decent.
2. Every store holds different items. Such as, each and every hair salon and tattoo shop would have different hairstyles/tattoos inside, not like San Andreas where most of them were basically the same.
3. More/Better Car mods, INCLUDING moding motorbikes. If you think about it, upgrating motorcycles sounds really cool.
4. I'm really interested in Carcer City that's frequently brought up (like from Manhunt), I hope to see it. Since in all the other gta games mention it, it would be pretty cool if gta IV took place there. Plus it's based off of Cleaveland and Detroit, with the PS3 graphics I bet it'll look really nice.
5. I want to be able to play DDR. >.> I guess that would be cinsidered moar mini-games. XD
6. Ooh yes, did I mention having the choice of sitting down? It's not really anything special, but it's kinda nice. Maybe it can work sort of like an MMORPG, like when you sit down you start to slowly heal or something.
7. Last but not least, MALE PROSTITUTES. Not because it's funny, but because if you think about it, we haven't had any Homosexuality in the GTA franchise. And when a Gay character IS introduced, they're always basically made fun of. I think it would be pretty cool if we had both Female and Male Prostitutes. =D (a little bit of realism for ya)
I actually posted this in another gta forum, but I pretty much got flamed there. xD;;