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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Good idea, that will certainly be needed because we don't want any problems.
  2. Excellent news, should certainly be interesting, CAN'T wait!
  3. Should I watch it before I go to school or wait and keep it as an incentive to Ace my exams? . I think the later could be a good idea.
  4. Its interesting, but to be honest why would someone go and tell anyone that if they knew they would let the information out? Not only would it risk the Rockstar's Staff members job, so I can't see why they would risk such a thing. But yeah, it's possible, but well see tomorrow night.
  5. Hello guys, your requests sound like a lot of fun and I will have them done asap, I have 2 exams left, but after Friday I am free of any assessment for a month, so expect all your request fulfilled on Saturday. Sorry about the wait and inconvenience, it will be worth it I promise. Jace - Not sure on the price yet, but expect 50 - 200 dollars depends on how long it takes, I'm not gonna charge you for my inconveniences. If you can however make a new post outlining exactly what you need I cam get it exactly the way you want it without having to show your an example first.
  6. Eh? No I didn't mean that at all, this is his work isn't it?
  7. Not that I know of, try downloading the second one again, use GetRight if required, it is well worth the download.
  8. What do you need help with for that mission, pacific's?
  9. Bitmaps are overly large, not intended for Internet use, convert to jpeg at least please .
  10. Do Google Searches: Fraps Camtasia Studio
  11. Haha, it even contained my scan of the magazine article on GTA4 Facts & Fiction from Gamepro Australia, this is certainly fake. Locked to stop confusion.
  12. Dildo Dodo and The Driver are probably my top 2.
  13. It takes a real man to realize their mistake, it doesn't matter to me as I wasn't involved, but I would hope chris82 would be happy to move on after this . Good job on doing something about it and not just leaving out community mate, you would have been a big lose.
  14. Hehe, glad you like it mate, um $350 if thats fine with you . Elite Smurf - Thanks for the support . Jace - Yours will be done, your takes a lot of work however, I want it to be perfect, sadly due to school this week (3 exams and 2 assignments due) I can't get it done until the weekend, hope you can understand.
  15. Hmm, it annoys me that people have to take it too far, I agree with Chris82, there is no need for calling people "geeks", if your wanting to do that, you chose the wrong place to do it, all our staff are very computer literate, and thats not a bad thing in this day and age, who happens to be the richest person in the world? Someone who worked with computer, and who created The GTA Place, someone who is nearly fluent in PHP. Computers can make you a lot of money these days, and if your still on the old saying of "nerds and computers" and crap like that, them more fool you I say, thats just pathetic. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, and just because their opinion has some fact rather then fiction doesn't mean you can call them names. Chris82, you have my full support. Keep this closed anyway, since we don't really have an reason to keep it open for the moment.
  16. Not necessarily, but lets hope they do, I would rather they don't sell at all.
  17. I doubt it, Rockstar are very professional in all regards, they wouldn't leave themselves open for that, you have to remember there a company, they would be sure that that doesn't happen.
  18. Considering I just read about this, better put it to good use: http://vladimir.skach.cz/sanandreas/ - All mission saved games.
  19. Possible the mods are the cause of the problem, remove them and replace them with your backups of the files and try then. If it works, you know it was the mods, if it still plays up then we'll look further into it for you.
  20. Woo, 1000 posts here I am .
  21. Would certainly be interesting, and would be awesome to see. I am thinking the usual easter eggs, like names of places and such, as well as land marks and such. Possibly hidden objects and weapons.
  22. I think Snow and such would be good, and with snow possible snowboarding? Possibility I think.
  23. Welcome Mpilk, hope you have fun here, you seem like a good person.
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