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Everything posted by Artur

  1. Aww a delay? Kinda bad I guess, I'll have plenty of games to entertain myself in the mean time.
  2. I always wondered that... What will happen if you take on of Stevies cars? Will it respawn in the original position or will it get cross off the list but you won't get paid? As for Infernuses I haven't seen much (if any) and same thing goes for Comets as well.
  3. Both sound good We'll see what everyone else has to say but I'll probably be on as well.
  4. Haha yeah I found it funny seeing PS3 and PSP up there. Some of those browsers I haven't even heard about but FF rocks. Edit: BTW, early test-release of FF3 is out, just downloaded it.
  5. My bad Chris, didn't see this topic somehow. Just made mine in the morning. And yeah I specifically tried a team deathmatch to see if I could get it and I did.
  6. Well it seems like R* has made this achievement viral. Because I've seen many of my friends on XBL recently get it and when I played yesterday, the first kill I got, got me the achievement. So just go play like a game of Team Deathmatch and kill someone for the achievement, then if you want go to you player model and you can change it into the yellow R* speedo wearing zombie.
  7. Yes you must complete the ones on the second and third island as well. When I first did one island, I was like wtf? But then I figured it out.
  8. Funny, I always ram those people with my car And yeah it would be cool to stash stuff and people in your trunk. Like stuffing 3 people in your car and then shooting at it with a rocket launcher to see the limbs go flying.
  9. ROFL! "Fuck yeah man! What now BITCH?.... Smells like shit." Haha good job wheelman!
  10. It doesn't really make a difference except for controls from Xbox to 360. I don't really recommend getting it if you have the PS2 version because it's just as good.
  11. Haha, agree with you there Rashon. The GTA3 outfit is sweet though.
  12. Artur

    Mirrors Edge

    Seen the trailer, looks like a very interesting concept. We'll have to see how it turns out since there's barely any info on it. Edit: Definitely reminds me of parkour. Looks like a lot of fun climbing, running on top and jumping off buildings.
  13. This is kind of a vague question. You only got a couple chances of letting people live and I only let live. Kind of a weird thread...
  14. Well if you have a PS2 then you can easily just buy the PS2 versions of the games. However if you have a PC or Xbox, then I'm not sure. The Stories games are quite great and interesting to replay in the old cities but the PSP offers a lot of stuff as well. Lots of different programs and mods for it, I don't know much about PSPs but I know a couple of other members do. If you really want to play the Stories games, then yes I think you should buy one and get a lot of bonus stuff from the PSP. If you're not that desperate to play them, then I guess not because you really don't miss too much. It all depends on what you want.
  15. LOL. True that. I'll be on during the night, so if anyone else is, I guess we'll play? BTW, any clan name suggestions?
  16. Well not sure if anyone noticed, but I just went on the Social Club and saw that now you can see your stats online. It's nothing to special, since you can't really see detailed stats but it's a good update. Go check it out.
  17. So during the weekend anyone wanna play, maybe like tomorrow night or something?
  18. Happens to me too, but yeah I'm on right now. So I'm waiting for everyone
  19. Alright, I might be available tonight. But it's my mom birthday so probably going out soon. I'll add everyone to the list and go on right now.
  20. Yeah I tried the demo for Audiosurf, it has a pretty interesting concept and it's awesome how aren't restricted to a pre-determined set of songs like in GH. I'm getting back in Vice City (feels really weird after IV), IV (online when it doesn't fuck up and just messing around for 100%) also my friend just let me borrow Gears of War so I'll be playing that for a while.
  21. Yeah Comets kick ass. For some reason my yellow/orange-ish one got stolen? Haven't found one since, but I use them online.
  22. Well put And yeah I killed Francis, he was a douche. Didn't bother checking for features.
  23. Also this should be moved to Mission/Achievement Help section. For "That's How We Roll" just follow L-RiC's advice and for "Under the Radar" I'm pretty sure everytime you fly under one of the bridges you need all the other ones pop up on the map. So quickly press start and use GPS to get over there.
  24. Well that's true, but as a personal opinion I think instead of doing small things like weapons in DLC R* should just focus on more like missions, features or whatever they're working on. Like I wouldn't mind receiving weapons with that stuff in the DLC but I think there should have been just another set of weapons atleast.
  25. That's true but the other games didn't require that so why should IV. Let's just hope so, because I really wanna chop someone up with a chainsaw...
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