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Everything posted by TUN3R

  1. Used to read Spider-Man and most Marvel comics till they got lame... After that I stuck with Batman but that got lame too...
  2. Chainsaws and Miniguns neither kill instantly Ever tried em' against a boss, like Smoke? A: None. The Packer could if it was coded properly... Q: Which vehicle can do the quickest barrel rolls?
  3. Country is basically just fail Rock... But hell GTA SA soundtrack was epic too...
  4. Actually it was more like rap, rap, rap, rock, rap, country, rap, rap, rasta shit (ftw), user tracks... Bigger doesn't mean better... well except for one particular case, just ask your gf.
  5. It has. It will be Los Santons + surroundings, but no LV or SF. Don't know about desert but I don't think LA has any...
  6. There is no higher Or use GTA Garage Mod Manager, specially made for vehicles. Only downside is that you can't install tuning parts for it. Works perfectly on 64bit too. I tried with it first, that program was the one that made my GTA crash. I'll try using the gta3.img of my neighbors (i gave them the game too) My money says you didn't install it (the mod) properly
  7. Mine: GTA VC / VCS: 11/10 GTA IV: 11/10 EFLC: 10/10 SA: 9/10 III: 8/10 awesome songs but a bit out of place, most of 'em would have fitted better in VC, IV or even SA Not entirely off-topic: This mission was awesome:
  8. I hate Facebook / MySpace / Twitter / etc equally. They aren't safe, maybe I'm paranoid, but if anybody on the internet knows as much as my real name any information about me can be compromised as well...
  9. I set the default GTA III - VC settings in other games as well Ironically the only one where I couldn't really do this was GTA IV...
  10. ... That was as random as it can get. Anyway if you have access to some spare parts (better or worse, doesn't matter as long as they are compatible) try changing every part until your PC works again. Best to start with the RAM, then the GPU, etc...
  11. There is no higher Or use GTA Garage Mod Manager, specially made for vehicles. Only downside is that you can't install tuning parts for it. Works perfectly on 64bit too.
  12. Miles Y U NO HAZ TASTE? I mean, you don't have to like all the stations, but since IV's soundtrack has something for every taste, I can only conclude that you hate music
  13. Hollywood / Vinewood is at the edge of LA / LS far as I know.
  14. You got that one correct lol. False. [T/F]: All girlfriends can catch you two-timing.
  15. Any mod will work with 1.7. It's just that modding the game, even a little bit, will literally separate your multiplayer (modded games can only join other modded games). As for the fingerless gloves, they are hidden, you need a player selector or a trainer to get 'em.
  16. Rockstar knows best about radio stations. Whatever they make, it will be awesome.
  17. Last time I had this problem my ATi GPU fried. Or was it the RAM? Anyway most likely a hardware issue...
  18. Thank you for your information.I don't know that STEAM's GTA 4 already in v1.7 Ya welcome, does RGSC work now?
  19. A: The school bus is in LV. Q: Which is a guaranteed way to crash the game on all 3 platforms (4 if we count the Mac)?
  20. The Steam version is already updated to Doesn't need any updates. As for RGSC problem, it does that sometimes. If you logged in at least once you can play offline (you earn achievements through GFWL).
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