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Everything posted by chris82

  1. This year our class is doing a special science project. We have a Giant Cock that we are taking care of. It is very Wet, and it has Red eyes. It lives in a Vagina in the back of our classroom. We feed it Semen and Condoms every day, but I think it really wants to eat my Bitch. Everyone likes our Giant Cock. One day the Giant Cock got out of its cage and started Fucking all around the room. It made a loud Thumping Noise. I think it was trying to say, "Holy Shit!" ___________________________________________________________ I just hate it when . . . Mom serves Shit Nuggets for dinner. My pet Poisenous Cock chews my Cunt. Mrs. Pothead gets mad at the class for being Stupid. My best friend Chris decides to Fuck with Kokane. I get Fatass Duty for something I didn't do. Dad makes me wear Dicks to school. My favorite TV show "Futurama" gets canceled because the station has to broadcast a news conference. People Fart into my bedroom without knocking. ______________________________________________- Are you bothered by Unshaved Pussies? Do you feel hair every day? Does your Penis hurt? Then Sloosh is for you! This Hard, Big treat is chock-full of Cum. Here is what Spaz of Cleveland, Ohio had to say about Sloosh. "I start every day with Sloosh. It's simply Sticky! Even my Cunt loves it" Don't delay! Buy Sloosh today! _____________________________ It was New Year's Day, and I was watching Shitball on TV with my friends Kokane, Tommy Vercetti Guy, Spaz, and Chris. "Hey, Tommy Vercetti Guy," Spaz said, "What is your New Year's resolution?" "I am going to learn to play the Cock," she said. "Then I am going to play it at nursing homes. I am sure it will make the residents Hard." "That's Shitty," said Kokane. "I am going to volunteer in a shelter for homeless Ballsacks and Bowls. They are so cute. How about you, Spaz?" "I am going to help out around the house," he said. "Every night, I will put the Cunts and the Pussies in the dishwasher without being asked." "I want to improve my grades," said Chris. "I will study math, science, and Fucking every night." They all turned to me. "What is your New Year's Resolution, Chris82?" "I'm not making one," I said. "I'm perfectly uh... Perfect already!"
  2. The GTA place forums are InvisionFree forums. Why you gotta be so stupid, stupid?
  3. It's a double-layer disc. If you look close you can see the wiring for the second layer. Some people think it's only one layer because when you stick it in your computer it only reads it as one layer. Unless you have a dual-layer burner on your PC, it can't tell the difference.
  4. When you see the servers address on the site, highlight it, copy it, then paste it into the MTA Windows where it says "Host."
  5. Rage Against The Machine-Killing In The Name Of (Fuck you I won't do what they told ya!)
  6. European! Peter or Stewie Griffin?
  7. Yes. Yes they are. Not supposedly. Sony confirmed it.
  8. They should have every city ever mentioned in the series. Liberty, Vice, Carcer, Los Santos, San Fierro, and Los Vantures. That would require a whopper of a disc, but with Sony's Blu-Ray that holds 54GB of data, anything's possible.
  9. I have Leela and Fry from Futurama living together, and yes she does have the authentic one eye and pony tail. Besides that nothing, other than the AlienWare computer on their website.
  10. Last Friday I went to Spaz's house for a sleep over. In their Wet Brown house, they had 3345 Dicks. I Fucked when I saw the Huge Ball Sack! Then we went into the Bed where the sleepover took place. We ate Pussies and drank Sperm. Chris's sleeping bag was Enormous. We told Ass stories. We all Shat! I got scared and hid under my Kokane-Shaped sleeping bag. The night went by very slowly. We Bitched until 3AM and slept till morning. **************************************************************** New Years Resolutions: 1. I will do my Fucking homework as soon as I get home from school. 2. I will always be polite and speak Bitchingly to my parents. 3. I will always be Shitty in class. 4. I will not throw paper Dicks in class. 5. I will not talk or Smoke in class. 6. Every Saturday, I will clean up my room and put all my Vaginas and Cunts away. 7. I will feed my pet Bear and take him for walks without being reminded. 8. After every meal, I will clear the cups, plates, and Balls right away. 9. I will help my little brother with his math homework. I will not tell him that 1 + 1 = 65656587 and that 2 X 2 is 35456437564756743. 10. I will help my little sister with her social studies homework. I will not tell her that Cleveland is the capital of United Kingdom or that Kokane was our first President.
  11. You SO edited that, although I did laugh my ass off.
  12. Here's two REALLY funny ones: There was a new girl named Kokane. She was always wet. She always wore black colored jeans and blue shoes. People laughed at her when she came to school. One day at after school, there was a school dance. Kokane and her friend, Courtney, went. Kokane was very quiet for about 432543 minutes. Then the song Fuckin All Day by Spaz and Chris came on. When all the kids moved back, they learned that Kokane could really dance. Then the next day at school, all the kids wanted to be Kokane's friend so she could show them how to move. ****************************************** It was the best day of our lives. We camped at the Grand Canyon. I don't really like going far from home, but this was worth it. Me and my family (Dad, Mom, and my little wet brother, Spaz) went on a hiking trip. We had fun. We looked for Dicks, climbed trees, and studied the history of nature. When got back to camp we told scary zombie stories, played games, sang campfire songs, read comic books, and roasted Condoms and Cunts on the fire. We also had Boobs and hot Semen. It was the best dinner ever that night. When we went to sleep, I couldn't sleep because I was too scared of the zombie stories. So I took a walk in the woods. So when I came back to camp, I saw a Lion eating our leftover Boobs. So I went go tell Dad and he went go take a look at the Lion. Then the Lion ran away. Then we back to sleep. The next morning we headed back home. We stopped at a Brothel. We ordered four burgers, four Cocks, four fries, four sodas, and four Vaginas. So when we got home that night, Grandma and Grandpa Shithead invited us over for dinner. We said no, because we had enough food for one day. We were so glad to be home, even if we were full and sick to our bellies. We were so ill. We went to bed as fast as we could. Man, I can't wait till our next trip. But next time, can we eat less food? Maybe!
  13. Actually, just search Google for "MTA Servers" and you'll get a motherlode! Also, I have a problem with GTA: VC, but it affects MTA as well. I have version 1.1, as the game wouldn't function without the update, but now at random times, I get an Unhandled Exception. How do I fix this? (It usually happens when I die or respawn)
  14. No, it's one of three things: 1. Your TV and wiring 2. Your PS2 and wiring 3. You're a stupid noob. Probably the 2nd one. Make sure the sound cables are in the correct ports.
  15. Damn you're a good artist. Use should sell your stuff, and be famous. "Today class, we'll learn about the greatest artist ever. Claudia, who's boyfriend had the best website ever, so fame ran in the family."
  16. Fairly Odd Parents (Duh!) XP or OS X
  17. Oh my... you all have extremely crap resolutions. Anyway here's mine, with a taste of my favorite show of all timeeeeeeee!
  18. Microsoft doesn't make computers, they make software. You should have said "Which OS is better," in which I would have said Windows XP Professional, which is what I use. I like OS X, and Linux, but Windows-I grew up with it.
  19. ONCE upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a Penis; but she would have to be a real Penis. He Fucked all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were Penises enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be. So he came home again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real Penis. One evening a terrible storm came on; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate, and the old king went to open it. It was a Penis standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious! what a sight the rain and the wind had made his look. The water ran down from his hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of his shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she said that she was a real Penis. "Well, we'll soon find that out," thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a Vagina on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the Vagina, and then twenty eider-down beds on top of the mattresses. On this the Penis had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am black and blue all over my body. It's horrible!" Now they knew that she was a real Penis because she had felt the Vagina right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds. Nobody but a real Penis could be as sensitive as that. So the prince took his for his wedding, for now he knew that he had a real Penis; and the Vagina was put in the museum, where it may still be seen, if no one has stolen it. There, that is a true story. **************8 Another... *************** There are many Big choices to watch on cable television. On channel 12 there is a Veiny baboon Swiftly jumping over a huge Dick. I clicked the channel, though, because that baboon was Hard. On channel 63 an actor said, "Yes, I wish I could learn to Fuck better."
  20. These are the release pussies for Chris's Dick version 12190547320753047543976497.0.0695406709. fuck them shits, as they don't tell you what this is all about, and tell you how to piss on the Gamecube, and what to do if something goes wrong.
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