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Miles Pedro Prower

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Everything posted by Miles Pedro Prower

  1. Carl actually kept the car after the mission. Whether THE PLAYER did keep the car or not doesn't actually count for this. Anyways, I pass.
  2. Hay, my question's answer is false. Carl owns a BLACK ZR, not a GREEN one Anyways, is your question's answer Catalina?
  3. Indeed there is, along with the Madd Dogg's and (if I remember well) Candy Suxx's. Your turn now
  4. 30 Safehouses, 10 assets. It's pretty difficult to think about a question about a game you didn't play for ages... [T/F] There is a Love Fist poster in Rodeo, Los Santos.
  5. Ahem... Gentlemen? A: Woozie I guess (A Home in the Hills takes place in LS, right? ) Hell, it's pretty hard to think about a good question... [T/F] There's a fat Big Bear model within the game's files.
  6. Holy freak, that just made my day! I guess that's why I don't go into modding anymore . Anyways, I think they were just joking, I mean, they even complained about the Fuel Mod, which isn't a bad mod in any means.
  7. Happy Holidays for you guys too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6YbLZf8i5I
  8. After one month, my Internet connection is back :D

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  9. Course not, if he weren't in the heli he woulda been killed too. Q: Where can you find the Rocket Launcher?
  10. The return of the Properties, I always loved 'em
  11. Well, depends: They are based on the Premier (cept for the LVPD ones), but they have their own models within the game files. Well, pass
  12. IV's stations weren't nowhere awesome. The worst from the series, IMO. Anyways, there are so many songs I'd like to see on GTA that it'd be impossible to select one and post here. Btw, nice one, love Dokken
  13. is going to stay a long, long, freaking long time without Internet... :/

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    1. Samil


      Someone stole the telephone cable?

    2. rockstaridols


      Did you forget to pay the bill?

    3. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      I didn't, but my dad did u_u"

  14. From Catalina I guess, I laughed SO freaking hard during her call after you finish the game. Anyways, nice to know this topic is active once again Long time I don't play San Andreas, but anyways... Q: How many hospitals are there in the game?
  15. Internet, Y U NO WORK???? D=>

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  16. Thank God I don't live in England... wait, what the hell did I just say? O_o" Anyways, Red_Squirrel, I don't even think I have to tell you that you were being racist over there and that saying they are ALL terrorists just because they came from the Midwest is something awful... " Plus, thousands of illegal immigrants enter Brazil every fucking year (from the nearby countries, like Bolivia, Colombia, Argentina, and others), Brazil has the biggest concentration of Japanese people outside Japan, we have plenty of Italians and Germans in the South, and about 1/2 of the country's population is black. And I can sure say that I feel much different than you do u_u"
  17. You don't like the style, the graphics are still significantly better than SA. Now you're voicing opinion and passing it off as fact. Of course, "good graphics" is a subjective statement, but still.... Also... Neeeewww train? -trollface- Fuck yea! Back to the topic, I still think the trailer's graphics look like The Sims 3 Was thinking more of LA Noire (bleh) but now that I think of it... All it's missing are the blue roads and anime-like characters. Yeah, but long as they aren't as laggy as IV's, it's alright. "Mental wounds not healing Life's a bitter shame I'm going off the rails on a quote train, I'm going off the rails on a quote train."
  18. You don't like the style, the graphics are still significantly better than SA. Now you're voicing opinion and passing it off as fact. Of course, "good graphics" is a subjective statement, but still.... Also... Neeeewww train? -trollface- Fuck yea! Back to the topic, I still think the trailer's graphics look like The Sims 3, but they are sure as hell better than San Andreas, SA's graphics sucked.
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