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Everything posted by Dazza

  1. People who are intolerant of other people's culture... And the Dutch...
  2. I use "Own3ed" and "Pwned" but that's it...
  3. Is this for computer? If so... My Documents > San Andreas User ??? > (Place the file) Easy as that...
  4. In this topic talk about what pisses you off, here or real life. You can talk about anything/anyone... Sorta like the rant topic, but a bit better, you can go off topic and everthing. I get pissed off at people who flame for no reason.
  5. DAMN IT!!! 2 FREAKING AM....God, I'm staying up...
  6. Chrisman gets the cash, he was the first poster.
  7. Heya RC, enjoy yourself...
  8. I'll anwser this for him... It sucks, your a girl, go get a life.... Something like that
  9. Yeah well good luck to them then, it'll be a hard script to write.
  10. It's not really, I like the idea of a ND game...would be really funny...
  11. Dazza

    Grand Theft Auto 5?

    OMG! That is so gay! They can't do that! Well sorry guys...
  12. Another reason the Wii and the Ps3 are better, they don't have the ring of death...
  13. I ment by it sucks saying that it's only going to be on X360 and also not on the PS3. I didn't mean anything by the console.
  14. HAHAHA Lamest topic winner....This topic
  15. If i was "fan boying" I would go...'Why do they have to have it on X360, bring it on Wii." But yeah, Sony is not doing well at all...yet now if it comes on computer we might get it on there...
  16. It's not that, it's some thing where the Group, Posts and Joined are... Anyways I when to the other skin, I like the normal (custom) one better. EDIT: I worked out what was missing...Money
  17. DAMN IT!!! Why do they only have to put it on the X360, it sucks like so much that they don't have it on the PS3 as well!!!! GRRRRR!!!!!
  18. I can see that somethings missing in our little post profile thing-o, but I can think of what is it...
  19. BUMP! Anyways, we are getting close to finding out who the new Elite's are...only like 2 weeks...good luck everyone...
  20. Welcome everyone, Have fun and enjoy yourself...
  21. Happy Birthday man... I got an ID when I started High School :s
  22. Cause it's evil... Anyways, like 4 days ago, I had been here for a year!
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